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Hi guy,

Does anyone know if this is a full valve amp? It has decent effects but I'm actually looking for a full valve amp something with a good balance of clean and distortion. If anyone can recommend amps that will fit this style please let me know.I'm lookin 2 spend about R10000. I have a PRS Paul Allender guitar and I'm trying to get the right amp for it.
    Its more in the line of the line6/bogner spidervalve.
    Digital preamp and valve output only. Not full valve!
    And marshall aren't really known for cleans, but hey, there is a reason that they are famous. ?
      Thanks man, I thought so but just wasn't sure. The Marshall clean doesn't sound that bad to my ears.
        Does anyone know if a Vox AC30 CC2 and AC30 CC2X for R7495 and R12695 are good deals?
          3 years later
          Max wrote: Does anyone know if a Vox AC30 CC2 and AC30 CC2X for R7495 and R12695 are good deals?
          I would say almost 13k is too much for an AC30. The AC30 has an awesome clean tone, and an excellent crunch but can't do high gain by itself. I love my Orange TH30 and you should be able to get one for significantly less than 10k. It has huge amounts of gain and a sparkly clean. It doesn't have reverb though.

          I would also look at a blackstar, I haven't tested one thoroughly but from reviews they seem to be extremely versatile within your price range.
            Max wrote: Does anyone know if a Vox AC30 CC2 and AC30 CC2X for R7495 and R12695 are good deals?
            R7500ish for an AC30 is pretty good in my books. AC15s can go for just under R7k off the shelf. As always, try before buy if you can.
            What kind of music do you like/play? Almost any amp can have a nice balance between clean and distorted, it's how you handle the gain, volume and eq settings. I'm able to do that vibe with both my Marshall and Vox - and they're quite different beasts. Or do you want something with a clean and a dirty channel? Not quite sure what you're asking.
            The ACs are beuatiful amps, very distinct sparkly cleans. They can be quite the rock monsters too, but you gotta crank 'em and/or throw an od in front. But they are quite mid focused which can be a good or a bad thing. I've recorded with an AC15 before, and I had to do like 6 or 7 layers of rhythm guitar just to clear up the mud and bring out the upper frequencies. Nothing like a small mod can't fix though, if you're into that ? Also granted that it probably the absolute best pick for what I was recording, but it's what I had at the time and it worked nicely. But even stock they're fantastic, especially with alnico blue speakers.
            If you're looking at the jmd 1...isn't that a little 1 watter? 1 watts is loud, but the tiny versions or big amps can often be disappointing in comparison to their big brothers. Do you want something big or small? Lots or little headroom? Head + cab or combo?
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