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  • Nov 9, 2019
  • Joined Dec 8, 2009
  • ez wrote: Haha.

    I think most people would struggle to tell the difference in sound between a decent modeller and a tube amp IF you only get to listen to it being played on a certain 'setting'. The difference comes in when you play harder and softer, turn the guitar's volume up and down. Astonishingly, some people do actually use those not-on-10 and not only to kill the sound between songs. This is why the question of headroom is being asked and this is why people play valve amps. Because the headroom determines the loudest clean sound you can coax out of an amp AND good valve amps can be used without pedals. You can 'switch' from clean to dirty using guitar controls. That's why they're there. These tricks don't work on modellers though. Not yet, anyway.
    I agree and I'm not saying there is no difference but for the non-muso in the crowd its more difficult for him/her to notice these nuances. By no means am I an expert in this but it's just a view from someone who is not as experienced as the rest of the guys/gals here.
    However the best clean tone I have heard is from the Two Rock amps, plenty of headroom.
    • singemonkey wrote:
      Max wrote: In a band setup its difficult to hear the difference between modellers and tube amps imo ?.
      Yeah. It's like there are people who struggle to tell the difference between Four Cousins and Meerlust Rubicon. ?
      What can I say, I am a cheapskate ?.
      • singemonkey wrote:

        Overdrive from straining power tubes is an evil sound. My suggestion for the church bands is to get a modelling system in an ipad. Way less blasphemous. ?

        Slightly off topic

        +1 Use something like Tonestack or Bias with a decent interface and you can cover a wide spectrum. In a band setup its difficult to hear the difference between modellers and tube amps imo ?.
        • Also look at the Apogee Jam 96k. It's one of the better interfaces on the market at its price point.
          • That's great news and its about time, he is such a great player and in my opinion one of the best around. ?
            • Armand wrote: fuck damage control,not gonna post it back to the US and wait months for a reply...Taking it to Leon from Pop Effects 2night..he's gonna fix it for me
              You hope his going to fix it. A pity there are no fixes for stupidity.
              Watch the language dude.
              • All the best on you future endeavors Alan. Thanks for all the insightful advice and knowledge that you shared with us over the years.
                • Happy Birthday Mr T. Have a Great Day!
                  • Congrats, Thats a beautiful instrument! ?
                    • Really sorry to hear about Jono. We will keep him in our prayers and hope that everything turns out well.
                      • I went to the store yesterday and they have a new store manager and new guitar sales person. They were still sorting prices for the sale.
                        • IceCreamMan wrote:
                          doc-phil wrote: I received an SMS from TOMS Sandton today advising that a clearance sale is going to be held on 28, 29 and 30 March 2014 due to the relocation of the store.

                          All you guys suffering from GAS may want to go down and check it out.

                          I got the same SMS, any idea where they are moving too?
                          They moving to the intersection of Rivonia and Witkoppen roads. It's in the center where the Barnyard and Avis Cars are located.
                          • Thanks guys.I really appreciate the wishes. I'm having an awesome holiday in Knysna and Plett.
                            • I am also a fan of thicker necks. They just seem to fit nicely into the hand and make playing comfortable.
                              • Thats one fine looking guitar. How does it play?
                                • I wouldn't mind the the Starla or Custom 24 ?. They look really good.
                                  • I was at the show last night and it was unbelievable. All three performers are great guitarists (Mind Boggling stuff ???). If you do not have tickets already, I suggest you get some and you definitely will not be dissapointed ?. I actually feel its an injustice to pay only R165 for such an amazing show and talent. Tony Cox has done a great service by bringing these Muso's in and making it affordable for everyone ?.
                                    • Congratulations and Enjoy. I got my tickets a long time ago and I cant wait! ?