Tonedef wrote:
You'll also probably find that one day in the not-too-distant future, guitars won't be made out of wood, either. If the tree-huggers get their way, that is, which seems likely.
Steinbergers uses graphite composites, only rearly wood and sometimes only on demand and only because they belong to Gibson now
I agree, the Parker Fly or Dragon fly could also cut a spot up there, but I don't think in the top 10 though, as with B.C. Rich, I don't recall any of the guitars on that list being traditionally neck-through models exept some Flying-Vs maybe, but I am under correction.
No mention of Jackson? I thought they're known for the rather popular conal shaped fretbord radius. And also no mention of some or other ESP, wich I think both could contend with the Ibanez (and I like Ibanez :-[)...
Those are my thoughts, but 1. and 2. without a doubt ?
Oh, and the Rickenbacker Fryingpan should be there just because it was the first comercially available solid electric ?