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$3/month is insignificant next to the power of the force...the unbridled monopolostic force of our beloved national telecommunications dark lords.

Anyone already paying Telkom's prices really shouldn't have a problem with a nominal fee for an infinite supply of music discovery.
    MIKA the better one wrote: Last Fm was cooler two years ago when it was free ☹
    I seriously don't see a problem with paying R21-R22 per month for unlimited music.

    I've been listening to everything from Classical Music to Zola, Mandoza, Skwatta Kamp to Marlowe, Wickhead, Wonderboom to Satriani, Rusty Cooley, Neil Schon, BB King, Clapton, Neil Zaza, etc all for R20-odd. And I can feel good that I'm not pirating or wasting money on music that I don't enjoy. It's a no-brainer to me - worth every penny!
      I assume you're on an uncapped adsl plan... cause those streams chew bigtime...
        Yep, like I said in my first post, uncapped 4mbps is recommended! I use it for work so it's easy to justify ?
          No Lies its a great site, just when it started a few years back it was just a bit different.
          Kinda like Myspace is now, becoming a bit old

          the ability to find new music on there is a great thing though
            Anyone here used Pandora before? Kicks LastFM into the gutter, IMO.
              I tried Pandora for a while when it just came out. Maybe (probably) it's changed but back then I found it to be clueless. Like an idiot savant it seemed to be able to break music down into nth technical detail, but just didn't 'get it' that mass production 80s female pop and The Birthday Massacre are NOT even nearly the same from a human listening perspective. For example.

              Just to be fair, last.fm doesn't have that good a hit rate for me either.

              Anyway, weren't Pandora barred from broadcasting outside the states or something. I seem to recall an email to the effect they were signing off from SA and other places, much like emusic also did since.
                Heya last.fm is awesome for finding new music and interacting with people that listen to the same music as you. There are alot of trolls though only bad thing

                Here's my page:


                  Tried it yesterday for a bit, not bad...I'll listen more today and see if anything comes up.
                    BMU wrote: Anyway, weren't Pandora barred from broadcasting outside the states or something. I seem to recall an email to the effect they were signing off from SA and other places, much like emusic also did since.
                    Guess it depends when you tried it - for me, it was almost exclusively soul music and it gave me hours on hours of great music. Definitely also depends on how you set it up.

                    Legal reasons prevent them from broadcasting in SA. But there are ways around that..
                      Have you guys tried GrooveShark yet ? http://www.grooveshark.com

                      I've been using is for a little while and quite like the interface and usage. It's currently free to sign up etc...
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