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Freak Guitar
Road Less Travelled
He He, wait 'til you hear his gypsy jazz version of Kiss's
Detroit Rock City, or his
La Bamba (which is along the same lines of his
Smoke on the Water). Truly amazing stuff. If you liked him mimicing the dot matrix printer in
Print This!, you'll love his video game noises in
Insert Coin.
I've also managed to amass a bunch of clips and videos - the man is a bona fide lunatic. I have a workshop where he plays through a Gorilla 10W amp and a "Russian Distortion pedal from Hell" - and sounds just as good. The only effects he uses is occasional Wah, a vibrator and a toy cellphone - the rest is him using odd intervals and harmonics. He's probably the best player for using harmonics (and that includes the Rev. Billy G!).
His Freak kitchen stuff is great - more commercial metal. Three piece band, but very well crafted power rock with no overdubs and a few silly Zappa-influenced lyrics. Unusually for metal there are no dragons, demons or wizards in sight (although he often rips off metal players by referring to things as being "from Hell").
He and Bumblefoot are firm friends and often show up on each other's CDs.