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  • Recording
  • There is only ONE guide for recording distorted guitars!


Cheers >☹
    This source might or might not contain some insight not found elsewhere. In any case, if there is anything worthwhile it must be buried deep underneath layers and layers of swearing, stream-of-consciousness and other nonsense. This gearhead for one is not going to wade through the mud to find it. Could we persuade you to dig up useful stuff from somewhere in there that has not yet been posted here and post it in a decent fashion?
      Gearhead wrote: This source might or might not contain some insight not found elsewhere. In any case, if there is anything worthwhile it must be buried deep underneath layers and layers of swearing, stream-of-consciousness and other nonsense. This gearhead for one is not going to wade through the mud to find it. Could we persuade you to dig up useful stuff from somewhere in there that has not yet been posted here and post it in a decent fashion?
      Yeah. I started reading it and found some interesting stuff - like playing with the gain control on the amp to see when the speakers started maxing out etc, but it could have been 3/4 the size if you cut out all the asides about the guitarist, his ego and what an idiot he is anyway.
        One of the first things I learned in recording is there is no "ONE" for anything.

        There are many nuggets of great info for those with the patience to wade through the silliness, but the writing style will make it difficult for many to read/follow. It assumes a fairly high level of knowledge in the reader (it was written for ProSoundWeb) and has a lot of unusual slang.
          Alan Ratcliffe wrote: One of the first things I learned in recording is there is no "ONE" for anything.

          There are many nuggets of great info for those with the patience to wade through the silliness, but the writing style will make it difficult for many to read/follow. It assumes a fairly high level of knowledge in the reader (it was written for ProSoundWeb) and has a lot of unusual slang.
          It also suggests to me that the engineer/producer thinks HE is making the record and those dumb-ass musician-droids over there are just bit players.
            You guys are WAY too serious. It seems a widely applauded gem in internet recording wisdom is wasted on you guys. I just though you might like a laugh amidst some brilliantly useful information.

            Happy Holidays.

            Cheers ?
              It seems a widely applauded gem in internet recording wisdom is wasted on you guys.
              ? ? ?
                Mo Facta wrote:I just though you might like a laugh amidst some brilliantly useful information.
                I certainly would like a laugh amidst some brilliantly useful information - but I also didn't find it in the article that was posted. I have no doubt that the useful information is in there but I honestly couldn't force myself to read through the pages and pages (89 pages!!!) of drivel in the hope that I might uncover the "widely applauded wisdom" in there somewhere.

                As for the laugh, I guess if peppering an article with the F word makes it funny then sure, you got that part right. But personally I don't find an article funny just because it uses the F word so liberally (235 times!!!). I'm not sure what the other elements in the article are that made it funny but they were all lost on me.
                  Mo Facta wrote: You guys are WAY too serious. It seems a widely applauded gem in internet recording wisdom is wasted on you guys. I just though you might like a laugh amidst some brilliantly useful information.

                  Happy Holidays.

                  Cheers ?
                  i must be honest i didn't find the profanity and his attitude to everyone around him ( muso's/assistants ect) funny or a laugh in any way ...... in fact it was highly irritating

                  however i agree with gearhead....if he posted an editted version of how he does what he does ......way cool ... definitely not diss'ing his ability to get great sound or even his insight into recording.

                  but that attitude sucks big time ......and is definitely not a good read as it stands with all the profanity.

                  or maybe i'm just too old to find an sound engineer with obnoxious, opinions of everyone except himself funny .. but hey he mght get good or even excellent sound so someone should edit it cos there may be some value to his technique .......

                  ps. he might need to be careful about publically voicing his opinions like he does about the artists he works for ( even if he does not name them they will know who they are) cos he might just find himself out of favour and we all know in this industry that means outa bussiness......
                    Like I said, WAY to serious. What is with you guys???

                    Profanity??? F word??? Is this a religious debate forum???

                    No. It's not. It's a recording forum for guitarists. Last time I checked rock and roll was rife with guitars and bad attitude but obviously none of it has made it's way here.

                    [MOD EDIT]

                    Cheers ?
                      Keira WitherKay wrote:
                      ps. he might need to be careful about publically voicing his opinions like he does about the artists he works for ( even if he does not name them they will know who they are) cos he might just find himself out of favour and we all know in this industry that means outa bussiness......
                      pps. Believe me, his clients have a sense of humour enough to get where he's coming from.

                      Cheers ?

                        Cheers >☹
                        That's not going to make you too many friends on this forum.
                          Mo Facta wrote: Like I said, WAY to serious. What is with you guys???

                          Profanity??? F word??? Is this a religious debate forum???

                          No. It's not. It's a recording forum for guitarists. Last time I checked rock and roll was rife with guitars and bad attitude but obviously none of it has made it's way here.

                          [MOD EDIT]

                          Cheers ?
                          You just don't get it, do you? If someone dislikes a massively bloated article that oozes profanity and self entitlement, it doesn't make them a boring old grumpy bag bent on religious debate, it simply means they prefer their entertainment in a different format. Very few people these days have the appetite for reading long winded articles and if it becomes clear in the first paragraph or two that the primary reason for the length is the huge amounts of unnecessary profanity and the author's blowing of his own bugle, then you don't have to be a boring old grumpy bag or religious scholar not to find it entertaining.

                          The bottom line is, some authors are good at writing, others aren't. The author of the article you posted doesn't show any of the qualities that are widely accepted as characteristic of a good writer. He may be brilliant at recording high gain guitar but, judged by the average reception here, he's not particularly good at relating his experiences. That's all.

                            Cheers >☹
                            Oh great, deleted? Judging by the response, seems I missed a gem :?
                              Hey Mo Facta, I think this is great.

                              The man is writing as though he is in the studio and control room and his expletives and "degradation" of the musos is a narrative of his thought process whilst being completely immersed in getting the best end result during the session.

                              To me this is an honest reflection of what is going on in his mind at the time - and through it all he is able to describe in detail what he's doing and achieving. Some might think it is written in a crass, puffery way, but I think he describes the day in the life of a focused professional audio engineer in a brilliantly entertaining way.

                              I have not read the whole article before posting this reply but plan to do so in concentrated bits because there is invaluable information here for the serious audio engineer (one who can identify with what goes on in the studio - the pressures and the creative input.)

                              By the sound of it, this guy is a guru and his criticism of guitarists is tongue-in-cheek and I'm quite sure no offence would be taken from any of them if they recognised who he was talking/thinking about - they might even be flattered that he remembered them. ?

                              I shall read on and digest with interest.

                              Edit: I see you have deleted the link - good thing I bookmarked it.
                                Mo Facta wrote: Like I said, WAY to serious. What is with you guys???

                                Profanity??? F word??? Is this a religious debate forum???

                                No. It's not. It's a recording forum for guitarists. Last time I checked rock and roll was rife with guitars and bad attitude but obviously none of it has made it's way here.

                                [MOD EDIT]

                                Cheers ?
                                Yeah, I reckon I do take myself too seriously at times, but as I said I enjoyed the article - put the link back - there might be others on the forum who can understand where the man is coming from.
                                  I enjoyed the article immensely, not for the technical stuff but for the creative writing, if you can call it that!


                                  Thanks for posting
                                    deefstes wrote:ou just don't get it, do you? If someone dislikes a massively bloated article that oozes profanity and self entitlement, it doesn't make them a boring old grumpy bag bent on religious debate, it simply means they prefer their entertainment in a different format.
                                    You still failed miserably at seeing it as a piece of creative writing infused with decades of experience and tongue-in-cheek banter. I happen to know that this guy has made HUNDREDS of records for thirty years and knows what he's talking about.
                                    deefstes wrote:Very few people these days have the appetite for reading long winded articles and if it becomes clear in the first paragraph or two that the primary reason for the length is the huge amounts of unnecessary profanity and the author's blowing of his own bugle, then you don't have to be a boring old grumpy bag or religious scholar not to find it entertaining.
                                    Well, it's pretty sad that "very few people have the appetite", then. I think that it might have something to do with instant gratification or something. I dunno. In any case, you don't have to read it all at once, you know. You can take your time. You can read it on your iphone on the can. Come back to it. There are no rules. [MOD EDIT]
                                    deefstes wrote:He may be brilliant at recording high gain guitar but, judged by the average reception here, he's not particularly good at relating his experiences. That's all.

                                    The average reception is improving, if you haven't noticed. [MOD EDIT]

                                    Cheers ?
                                      You've attributed to me things that I have not said. Sort who said what in the first place, scrape the egg off or your face and maybe then we can sort things out.

                                        Aha! You've changed the misattributions.