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  • Aug 11, 2008
  • Joined Jul 28, 2008
  • Scott Tennant - Pumping Nylon

    for classical guitar learning, from beginner to advanced.
    • Gray wrote: Transilvania International Guitar Festival, will ther be aired coverage on South African Tv? ???
      I wish .... but no, only local Romanian TV and after the festival finishes maybe some videos on festival's site.

      I don't hate Stoker because we also have advantages from this name. It's popular and easy to remember, it's like a brand that is already build and we just benefit from it ? This was one of the reasons we choose it, besides the fact that the festival really is in Transilvania and it's the most representative guitar festival from this region.

      Well, for using the 'Transilvania' brand we have to pay, off course, an annual tribute to the Conte ... don't think at blond virgins! (Spyke, I know you did ...) the tribute is some free tickets to the festival's guitar recitals and a stipendium to festival's masterclasses and competitions ?
      • And if it stays just between us, let me tell you that he hates garlic only because of the smell and because it's not good for his old heart .... and the holy water ... well ... he doesn't like water in general, he doesn't know how to swim and he really doesn't make baths so often ?
        Seriously now, everybody thinks of vampires and conte Dracula when they hear of Transilvania ... hopefully they'll think of guitar too in the future ?
        • You didn't know?! The Conte is a very good friend of guitar, so you won't need garlic, just your guitar ?

          • The sixth edition of the Festival will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, during 18-23 August 2008.

            As part of the festival will be present proeminent figures of classical guitar: Ulrich Muller, Gerhard Reichenbach, Flavio Sala, Gabriel Bianco, David Pavlovits, Liviu Georgescu, Eugen Mang.

            The festival will host a guitar chamber music contest also and addresses to contestants of all ages, proposing to promote professional instrumentalists and to stimulate young talents.

            The Transilvania International Guitar Festival has four components which cover the sides of artistically education:

            1. Recitals of famous interpreters
            2. Master-classes of noted international professors finalized by a Master Diploma
            3. Lectures, seminars and instrument gallery
            4. International competitions of classical guitar

            During the Prize Award Festivity will be awarded the Grand Prize: a concert classical guitar valued at 3500 Euro, build for this event by the luthier master Constatin Dumitriu. All the Festival's winners will perform in the Gala Concert.

            More info on transilvaniaguitar.ro