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  • Jun 7, 2022
  • Joined Nov 11, 2016
  • Hey guys, thought we should strat making some plans for the next garage days. I reckon we aim for late May/early June. May is a write off for me unfortunately and the only Saturdays in June that I'm available are the 1st and the 15th but if other dates will suit people better I don't mind sitting this one out.

    Songs wise, we'll pick mostly from stuff that we have already done so there shouldn't be too much learning involved. If anyone has new songs that they'd like to incorporate however suggest them here and we will chat.

    @NorioDS @slowpoet @guidothepimmp @Lu22 @Hasie @klaasvakie

  • It looks like our next jam session will be Saturday 6 April 2019 at 12:00.

    As usual, everyone is welcome regardless of level or instrument so if you're in the area around Pretoria, please join us for a fun few hours of music.

    If you're keen to join please drop your name as well as instruments into this thread so that we have an idea who is coming. Also, please feel free to bring friends who aren't part of the forum.

    So far we have the following suggestions from the WhatsApp group:
    Cage the Elephant - Ain't no Rest for the Wicked
    Stone Temple Pilot - Plush (Acoustic)
    Airbourne - Running Wild

    I'd like to add the following from previous jams that have worked well:
    Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
    Just Got Paid - ZZ Top/Joe Bonamassa
    Down in a Hole (Unplugged) - Alice In Chains
    Highway to Hell - ACDC (wasn't on the list but Claudio started playing it and we sort of joined in)

    Please add your own suggestions as well, particularly if they are songs that you already know, it's always good to have someone who can lead the jam.

    @NorioDS @slowpoet @guidothepimmp @Lu22 @Hasie @Kklaasvakie

  • @slowpoet @Yeti

    For those about to jam in Silverton today... Our power is out so I might not be able to leave the house.

    And then also there's rain forecast for Silverton. Do you guys wanna risk it?

    • Good morning all,
      There was a bit of discussion on the WhatsApp about having another Pretoria jam session on 8th December and Norio recommended we move it to somewhere more permanent.

      Notice is a bit shorter than the last couple but I think we should more or less follow the same format. So we'll select 4 or 5 songs for us to work on ahead of the time, play through those and then see where the mood takes us and probably end with a bit of a jam on a blues... or whatever else strikes us.

      If you'd like to join us then please reply to this post and let us know so we can plan. Please include what instruments you plan to play. Non-guitarists are very welcome and if you have friends who might want to join, please invite them too.

      We're also looking for songs, so please suggest away.

      @NorioDS @guidothepimmp @Lu22 @slowpoet @Hasie

    • Lu22 Out of that list, I love Wicked Game and Behind Blue Eyes. Although I'm sure Basket Case is very accessible and fun to jam.

      So I'm pretty happy with those.

      @slowpoet, @Yeti, @Hasie, anyone else — thoughts?

      • So this is the sequel to Garage Days in Pretoria


        This is Gregory Wall's practise venue and it's in a 3m x 6m single garage for a nice old school garage band feel.


        • 2x10 bass amp
        • 2x 4x12 guitar cabs
        • PA system with 2 mics and a mixer
        • Drumkit (bring own cymbals)
        • Stands

        Let's start with picking some songs. I figure we can fit in 3 songs and a blues jam at the end like we did last time.

        @slowpoet, you happy to guide the process again?

        • I wanna say a special thank you to @slowpoet for organising the event! Herding musicians is not different to herding cats ?

          And @Yeti, thanks for coordinating on the day. You really helped keep the jam moving forward. It's far too easy for us musos to get sidetracked and just generally be disorganised. So your work on the day was appreciated!

          I think we all had a lekker jam.

          So... shall we get going on organising the next one? I'll start another thread and we can take it from there?

        • slowpoet Thanks!

          Ok so: 12pm till 3pm, or 3pm till 6pm. Probably the former as the latter means getting home a tad late maybe.

          Looks like this is taking shape. HUGE thanks to you @slowpoet! (You might get 100 more "thank yous" from me before this is done. I'm really awful at organising events and appreciate all the work you're putting into this ?)

        • guidothepimmp Greg also recommended the fold-up chairs. @slowpoet could we add that to the event notices?

          The venue is pretty much confirmed. I just need to organise picking up keys, etc. I'm also checking with Greg about the times we're allowed to be there. Any recommendations there @slowpoet? We have the place for 3 hours. So we could do from 9am till 12pm (and then folks go for lunch) or after lunch. Maybe 1pm till 4pm? Or is evening better? I have no experience with planning these things ?

          • I can't make 4 August (and I'll be the one opening and closing methinks). So I'm gonna say 11 August.

            I'm securing the venue now with Greg.

            Thanks for whipping me into gear @slowpoet! ?

            • V8 likes this.
          • Hasie Please not that day. I would love to attend, but it's my dad's 60th birthday that day.

            Seeing as this was started specifically as a response to your thread, I'd hate for you to miss out. Let's make a plan ?

            Reply here with some more suitable Saturdays (but please provide 3-4 weeks of practise time between the announcement and the day) and we'll change it to one of those.

            @slowpoet I don't know those songs very well (I've never learned to play them, I mean) so what do you reckon? 2 weeks? 4 weeks? Given everyone's other responsibilities in life?

            Thanks folks! This is gonna be fun!

            • slowpoet I'm happy to contribute with experience, help choose songs, create and share lyrics/chords pages with people.

              Awesome! That'll be a huge help.

              slowpoet Locking and unlocking, picking up keys and the like would be a problem for me though.

              No worries, I understand completely. We'll figure something out, even if it's me for the first jam.

              slowpoet I would suggest picking a date about 3-4 weeks from now.

              Great! Saturday 28 July. Done! What's next? ?

              slowpoet Question: what skill levels do you expect?

              I imagine it'll range from beginner to intermediate. But it's really hard to say. Maybe we could do chord sheets for the beginners and then let the intermediates figure out the harder bits?

              Appreciate your guidance on this one @slowpoet! Organising events is not a strongsuit of mine. (Our one Woodstock event ended up being a huge mess full of cars—yes cars—diving off stage and ganja everywhere. Never again ? )

            • Alrighty folks, I'm gonna sponsor us a jam room for 3 hours in Silverton Pretoria. It will be on a Saturday.

              @slowpoet you still keen to organise and run the event? Or is that a bit far? Maybe if it's far, you can share your tips with us on how it all worked in the past?

              About the venue

              This is Gregory Wall's venu and it's in a 3m x 6m single garage for a nice old school garage band feel. It's sound proofed.


              • 2x10 bass amp
              • 2 4x12 guitar cabs
              • PA system with 2 mics
              • Drumkit (bring on cymbals)
              • Stands

              And it's R250 for 3 hours so I'm going to cover that for the first one. If there's a good turnout, I might repeat the sponsorship, otherwise maybe I can subsidise half and everyone brings R30 or something.

              This thread is here for us to bang out some details like who's going to organise it. (Which means picking songs to practise, a date, posting updates here and on social media, getting keys, opening, closing etc.)

              I know Silverton is far for the Joburg peeps but if you make a day of it, you can go for a tjop 'n dop somewhere afterwards and breathe something other than Joburg smog for a change ?