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  • Jul 5, 2018
  • Joined Sep 11, 2010
  • Thanks Don

    I'm a lead guitar player - 32 years old - and I currently stay in Wynberg, but willing to travel in and around Cape Town if I find the 'right' band to jam with.

    My preferred style is rock, but am open to exploring new styles to challenge my playing.

    Original bands will be great too - my thoughts were that a cover band would force me to learn new songs and playing styles.

    I don't necessarily have to play lead though -

    I would say my skill level is intermediate - although I need to spend some time brushing up on my stuff.

    Looking forward to making connections in the music scene regardless of whether I get the opportunity to play in a band soon

    • Hi guys

      I hope this is the right spot to post this.

      I'm new in town fresh from PE. I've played in a number of original bands but am now hoping to change things up a bit by trying my hand at playing in a cover band.

      Am not 100% sure of my schedule as I'm currently working in the film industry and available evenings for practice can change at short notice.

      Please give me a shout.


      • In Hi
        Hey there

        I'm a 27 year old electric guitarist and I play for a rock n roll band called the Almighty's (check them out here - www.facebook.com/thealmightys - they're pretty cool ?). I enjoy a wide range of music - but the bands / artists that have influenced me most are Alter Bridge, Foo Fighters, U2, Dan Patlansky

        My first guitar is a second hand semi-hollowbody beauty I chanced upon at cash crusaders - and my other guitar is a Hamer Explorer - which is a joy to play ?

        I use wah, chorus, and most recently delay, played through a peavey bandit 112

        Glad to be a part of the forums here

