Hi, do you still have this pickup?
- Hi, You could try a second hand PRS SE - there are a few out there for R3500 second hand and the build quality of these guitars is really good. I don't think you will go wrong with one of these as a first electric.
- Hi
Have you maybe thought about getting a Vox Valvetronix?
You can get them in a few variations and they have a really awesome sound.
I had the older 50W ,sold it and bought the smaller 30W and its plenty loud, light to carry around and you can mike it up at gigs
The newer ones have loads of amp models ,even the AC15 ?.
I use a tele custom with P90's and it sounds great great. The amp modeling is also really good.
Other than that maybe the Peavey Classic 30? This is also a great little valve amp.
Good luck I know how hard it can be to hunt down the right sound, but I guess it comes down to trying as many amps as possible and research. But you'll know it when you hear it.