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  • Jun 13, 2017
  • Joined Sep 21, 2016
  • I have a Mesa Boogie Express 5/50, which let's you go down to 5W. But that is still too loud for home use.
    I bought a Line 6 Amplifi 30, which is a great little toy and you can operate through your iPad. But it is not brilliant and most of the tones are not convincing.

    But I also bought a VOX Mini5 and I have been extremely impressed. I think this is what you might well be looking for and cost me just R 2950.

    It has 0.1, 1.5 and 5W settings and some great modeling tones that sound real. I don't bother with the various hand-made effects pedals, etc, that I use with the Mesa-Boogie.
    Plugged straight through, with single coils, or humbuckers, you can get some great tone.

    I am sure that it is made in China, but this technology seems to be coming on now in leaps and bounds.