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  • Nov 20, 2016
  • Joined Apr 1, 2015
  • Hi Guys, I just want to share with you my total delight/happiness/awesome-struck/gob-smacked New Life with this new all-tube amp. For 5W - with a 1W option - the tones and volumes are hugely impressive. Yes, there is no master volume on "Classic Gain", nor reverb (but an FX Loop), nor option for audio input (backtracks) through the speaker but only the headphones, but so what - all those can be worked around. Plus, great service from Ollie at Paul Bothner's in Claremont Now, to sell my VS65R and Vox 5W mini-rhymn on the other page................. Additional info: Great review by Chappers & The Capt - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHLLTwDZzCA Some good pics here - https://kitarablogi.com/2014/06/06/review-marshall-dsl5c/ Opinion here - http://musiciansroadhouse.com/viewtopic.php?t=16392
    • I've trawled the 'net and reckon this is the best free site out there - over 58m hits up to 2011........! Incredible free offerings from beginner to advanced: http://www.justinguitar.com/
      • Check out the JHS Vintage 100 Sunburst, a brilliant unit. I'm a total beginner but it's just so easy to play. A friend of mine (professional player) reckons it's "fantastic value and brilliant to play". I bought mine new early this year for R4500 with a Vox 5 Rhythm amp - also brilliant. Check out the reviews - there's one by Jamie Humphries (Brian May's guitar techie for about 30 years) and he reckons it should sell for over GBP1000 in UK and not under GBP400 that it is currently selling for. Twin humbuckers with other top quality gear also................