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  • Mar 15, 2018
  • Joined Sep 9, 2008
  • guidothepimmp Who was the forumite that plays in ohgod?

    That's @DrGonzo (lead guitar) - exemplary taste in gear that fellow has (and the ability to reallly use it). He switched to a kemper a while back and it's no surprise his live sound is that good. Funny to see this little lunch box on stage! They opened for the band I was in - beeg mistake, we should have opened for them - even though it was our album launch, it was a mistake to try and follow them ?

    Their drummer is just the nicest guy - we clicked and ended up talking kak the whole nite. Epic player too!

    guidothepimmp Also.. whatever happened to Singe, Jack etc? They still play?

    Sure they do - havn't seen much of singe online, he was regularly in Greg' Garage, but not seen him post for a while. Think their band is still around, but aside from a name change sometime last year, havn't seen much from them.