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  • Aug 23, 2013
  • Joined Jan 14, 2013
  • I couldn't imagine ever living in JHB, CPT born and bred and feel really uneasy whenever I have to be in JHB and it's not often at all. I think the last time I was there was about 4 years ago and hated every minute of it.

    Perhaps it's just the places I was in but everything always just seemed so grey.
    • In Yo
    • Squonk wrote:
      Dimitri Nutt wrote: Billy Idol - Dancing with myself is playing as I type.
      Don't take it too literally ?
      With the vibe in my office, I may just have to ?
      • Various; I just loaded my playlist with the likes of Aerosmith, Boston, Van Halen, Metallica, Kansas, Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Rolling Stones and quite a few others.

        Just letting it run 8)

        Billy Idol - Dancing with myself is playing as I type.
        • Thank you guys for the replies, I've decided to start lessons with Greg.

          Excited ?
          • DaFiz wrote: Hey Dimitri. I'm in table view but travel to Tokai or Bellville by bike with a guitar on my back.
            I teach guitar for Urban Beat (Parklands), guitarlessonscapetown.co.za as well as TeachMe2 and have ads on my car window and gumtree too.

            Gimme a shout and I'll come to your home.

            Dave ?
            Hey Dave,

            Thank you. Awesome stuff ?

            I'll have a look and get back to you.
            • Riaan C wrote: Hi Dimitri.

              A good friend of mine and one of the best players I know lives in Goodwood. I've never taken lessons from him, but I know he does teach. I suspect his lessons are more practical than theory intensive (so if you're looking for the lowdown on the super advanced modes etc might not be the guy, but he can certainly help you improve as a player). His name is Greg Schoeman (ex The Sunshines, a great 90s indie pop band that charted a few times), and he has given me permission to post his phone number here on the forum (as opposed to in a PM). You can contact Greg on 082 814 8385.
              Hi Riaan,

              Thank you very much. I will certainly be in contact with him. ?

              I am looking for someone who would be able to take me through a fairly structured regimen, pretty much starting at the beginning and progressing from there.
              • :-[ My apologies
                ShreddySmurf wrote: If you're thinking about it because it's up on the Steam sale, keep in mind that there's an accompanying cable -> USB device that you HAVE to have in order to play the game (and you would need to buy separately).

                I nearly pulled the trigger on this, but I read up about it quite a bit, watched some videos, and quite honestly the constant automatically shifting "difficulty" will just be frustrating for someone trying to learn to play a song properly. Looks like it might be fun, but not great as a learning aid.
                Yeah the cable is about R325 from TakeAlot. Saw the 50% off if bought through steam.

                There's an option to stop the difficulty from shifting.
                RJN wrote: Is there any "LAG/DELAY" on this system ?

                IE: when you play a chord/note , theres a delay between the guitar and the game ?
                One reviewer experienced some delay while using it on his XBox but I think that he was connecting to his TV via HDMI and that's what was causing most of his issues.
                • Jack Flash Jr wrote: Yep, Goodwood is definitely a drive! There'll be someone nearby (after all Bellville is right there and that is/was the epicentre of Cape original music).
                  Thank you.

                  I'm actually looking for a few recommendations?
                  I posted in the lessons sections.
                  • Jack Flash Jr wrote: Pebbleman are pretty cool but as far as lessons go I'd advise going to Renesongs (on the forum, and disclaimer: a band mate) because he is far more versatile in terms of styles he can play (and therefore teach). Lives in same area too.
                    That was an option but unfortunately he lives way too far from me. ?
                    • shaunf wrote: The album entitled "Slash" is a solo album featuring guest artists, including Myles Kennedy. The "second album", Apocalyptic Love, is a band album. The band features Myles Kennedy on vocals.
                      Awesome stuff. Thanks for the info. Will have to go and have a look for it.
                      shaunf wrote: Don't know if any of you Slash fans saw his twitter post last week, but it looks like he could be doing a few dates in SA soon. I know I can't wait!
                      Would certainly be great to see. 8)
                      • IceCreamMan wrote: the first slash album features a whole pile of excellent vocalists and i liked it cos it gave the album a unique "feel" to it ...from fergie to lemmy all awesome

                        i guess the logistics of putting a tour together on that premise aint possible ...... so slash on the 2nd album only used myles ...AFAIK

                        and he has a great voice for rock n roll eh

                        thanks for posting

                        Awesome, didn't know that he did a second. Thanks for the info. ?

                        Myles certainly does have a great voice for Rock 'n Roll 8)
                        • So, I would like to start taking lessons with someone who would be able to give me really well structured lessons.

                          I've contacted Richard Pryor but unfortunately he is out of my current price range and René Avenant is just a little too far out of my reach (Bergvliet is quite a distance from me).

                          Are there any recommendations for someone close to the Goodwood area that I could possibly contact?

                          Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ?

                          Also, I have been working through a DVD series called Gibsons Learn & Master Guitar with Steve Krenz.
                          It's been great thus far and I intend to carry on with the series but he obviously cannot give me any feedback.

                          Have any of you ever used this series or heard about it?