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Aug 17, 2016
Joined Dec 13, 2008
High School Bands in Pretoria/Joburg area
General Music
So I'm officially out of school and no longer a scholar but the school managed to rope me back in to head up the school band. That got me thinking about other schools in the a...
PA & Lighting
I'm currently in matric at Sutherland High School in Wierdapark Centurion and I lead the school band there. This year's band is sick compared to previous years and everyone's ...
School, not exactly a friend of music
we all know that music takes time (and LOTS OF MONEY) and I'm sure that everyone faces their time challenges but something tells me that school takes the cake for the most int...
Materials for first build
Setup & Repair
So I've been inspired to take the plunge and commit to a build. For the time being I've even started messing around on random planks of laminated wood to get the creative juic...
Baritone? yes, no maybe???
Hi GF nation!!!!!! it's been ages since the last time I really interacted with the wonders of GuitarForum... It feels like i've missed out on a world of knowledge. ALAS, I am ...
Dream Jam Room
so the band is jamming away and they've just finished arranging one of the most awesome songs they've ever written. Being young and passionate musicians with nothing much bett...
False advertising?!?!?!
How weird is this, I was going through some gumtree ads this morning and I saw this ad saying "Marshall 65w full valve amp R2500 neg." So I take a closer look and looked at th...
VOX VT40+ vs Albion AG40DFX
Went out to test some amps today. Usually I'm a sucker for a 2nd hand deal, they've always served me well in the past so I didn't think I'd get much from shopping around for a...
Notice to cease noise nuisance
General Music
The most important part of this post is at the end so if you don't feel like wasting time reading a random story, feel free to skip to the last few sentences. ? ? ? So a coupl...
Vocal Training? Worth it or not?
I've been trying to sing along to a lot of the music that I play on guitar and lately, while trying to cover the Jeff Buckley song "Hallelujah", I realized that my singing voi...
Testing equipment we can't afford :-(
I'm hoping I'm not the only one that does this but how often do you go to a music store and just test out equipment that you know you won't buy? Am I the only one with this po...
Cost of recording
Hi, I was just wondering Roughly how much would it cost to record a single in a professional studio. I'm talking about a very simple single here. This single would consist of ...
Complications with recording
Hi all, If you've read some of my previous posts, you might see I'm quite ambitious... Over ambitious at times so I'm scaling down a little bit and focusing on bettering my mu...
hey all, Thinking of buying this B.C rich http://www.guitarasylum.com/product_pages/bcrich/jr-v-7.html Looks awesome but I'm just not certain about those BDSM pups. Are they a...
Guitar and music theory grading
I've been thinking about getting my guitar grading so I went to the UNISA website. I saw they do grading in guitar and also in music theory. I think this will be beneficial to...
Where to get paint?!?!?!
Setup & Repair
Howdy guitar lovers! I've been procrastinating on this refinish that I want to do on an Ibanez GAX 70... It's my first refinish and I'm thinking of doing a silver burst. Howev...
Ideas for finishing my guitar
Setup & Repair
I'm kinda brainstorming out loud here if you know what I mean. And really need any knowledge and input here... trying to create a work of art. This is what I have to start wit...
Worn-down frets
Setup & Repair
Lately I've been getting insane buzz on some specific frets on my beloved ibby. I took the guitar in to musicboyz in pretoria just after I bought it and their guitar tech guy ...
electronics on Ibanez GAX70
Setup & Repair
Just bought a new Ibanez GAX70 for next to nothing. I love its sound but the electronics are bugging for some reason. I don't know if I'm just being an idiot but here are a fe...
Starting a guitar build
Setup & Repair
I'm really interested in building a guitar. Mostly for the experience. I was wondering though, how would one start such a project. I mean, I know there are places like stewmac...
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