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Dec 1, 2021
Joined Feb 9, 2009
Bringing A Guitar Into SA from the UK
Hey guys, Haven't posted here in ages! I need to please get some feedback on this - I have a friend coming down to SA for a holiday from the UK in the next 3 weeks and there's...
Help with shielding a rear-routed guitar (Ibanez RG570)
Setup & Repair
Hey dudes, I wonder if anyone here has perhaps had any experience with this. I've found tons of info online for strat-type axes with pickguards but not much for rear-routed su...
Why won't Musician's Friend ship Dimarzio pups to SA?
I've been looking at getting some Dimarzios for my RG570 and I have heard good things about Musician's Friend, but when I go to checkout to see what the shipping cost would be...
Looking for Ibanez Original Edge trem
Setup & Repair
Greetings! Does anyone here know where I can get hold of a (new or used) original Edge tremelo? I've seen a couple used on Evilbay but they're hellishly expensive with shippin...
Looking for a luthier specializing in mandolins (JHB)
Setup & Repair
Hey guys, I've checked out Manfred's list of local luthiers (great resource, btw!!) but can't manage to find anyone listed on there who specializes in mandolin repair and rest...
Peavey ValveKing 212 keeps dying on me!!!
Hey all, I have a Peavey Valveking 212 all valve combo that decided to give up the ghost on me a few months back, haven't had the time or moola to take it in to a tech yet but...
Ibanez RG570 Project
Setup & Repair
Hey all, Here it is, the project thread for my Ibanez RG570! I picked this axe up for a very good price from a fellow GFSA member as I'd been looking for a shred machine for a...
Where to find figured maple veneers
Setup & Repair
Hey guys, Could anyone please give me some advice on where to find quality, bookmatched flamed maple veneers? I have an old '91 Ibanez RG570 that I got from a fellow GFSA memb...
Epiphone Les Paul Standard w/shaved neck
Setup & Repair
Greetings, GFSA! Just thought I'd share some pics of my little holiday project with you, nothing too hectic but I'm quite proud of it, myself. I regret not taking before and a...
Another Ibanez vs. Jackson thread...*sigh*
Greetings, GFSA boarders! After doing loads of research online I still find myself unable to make a solid decision. There are literally hundreds of Ibanez vs. Jackson debates ...
Greetings and Salutations
Hey, fellow axe-slingers! I've been a member of this awesome forum for a while now but haven't had much time to post so I've decided to take a moment to fix that ? I've been p...
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