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Hi Guys

I am looking for some Gibson P90 pickups to put in my Gibson. Does anyone have some or otherwise know who where I can get them (a reliable decent store overseas)

    What Gibson are the going in?
    I got some Lollar P90's a short while back, smooth transaction. They even sell shims to adjust the height.
      Locally (in JHB though) you could try Marshall Music Woodmead or Music Connection. I recall seeing USA Gibson P90s at both stores in the last few months. P90s aren't as popular as SC or HB pickups, so there are still some around from when there used to be a Gibson distributor in SA.

      Online, try Sweetwater.
        Reinhard wrote: What Gibson are the going in?
        I got some Lollar P90's a short while back, smooth transaction. They even sell shims to adjust the height.
        I got a Gibson marauder, its got a humbucker at the neck and a single coil at the bridge.
        Have you compared the lollars to gibsons?
        Gearhead wrote: ??? what is coming out?
        The stock pups are coming out. They not bad (for what they are), but I prefer the sound the P90's give and think they def have the tone im after.
        Mr T wrote: Locally (in JHB though) you could try Marshall Music Woodmead or Music Connection. I recall seeing USA Gibson P90s at both stores in the last few months. P90s aren't as popular as SC or HB pickups, so there are still some around from when there used to be a Gibson distributor in SA.

        Online, try Sweetwater.
        I'll give those guys a shout and check the prices. I have got a mate heading to the states in a few days so he can always bring some back for me ?

        Thanks guys.
          I hope you realise you are going to need a new pickguard, even when taking dogear covers. These pickguards might be hard to come by, so you would have to have one made. Just saying.
            Gearhead wrote: I hope you realise you are going to need a new pickguard, even when taking dogear covers. These pickguards might be hard to come by, so you would have to have one made. Just saying.
            Yeah I am aware of that, but im sure maisey's will have some pespex I can use for testing purposes. Then once Im happy with the tone I'll probably completely customize the finish on the guitar. The guitar has a nice neck and to be honest has a nicer feel than alot of les pauls I have played so now its just getting the tone I want and then making it look a little sweeter!
              Looking at the gibson P90, I see that they only have one. Do they use the use the same one for both the neck and bridge?
                JeremyE wrote: Looking at the gibson P90, I see that they only have one. Do they use the use the same one for both the neck and bridge?
                Yup. Fralin, Lollar and all the other pickup makers do balanced sets, but not Gibson.

                BTW - Kinman's doing a very nice noiseless version:

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