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Saving a Message in the Outbox
To the administrating type okes......
Is it possible to default the "Save message in my outbox" to always be ticked. I find the current default very frustrating as i often want to save a message but forget to tick the box.... >☹ >☹ Then after the message is sent there is no way to save it.... >☹ the tick box is also at the bottom of the screen so it is not always visible or obvious... :-\
At least if one does save a message you don't want you can go back and delete it.
Thanking you a million times......
I second that! 8)
I'd love it to default to saving the PM's I send in the outbox. It's something I've always wanted in the GFSA pm system.
You can.
Simply go to your profile and click on "Personal Message Options" on the left. Check "Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default" and click "Change profile".
Lots more settings in there if you browse around.
Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default.
Thanks! I feel like a real banana for having not found that. As a former IT tech, I hang my head in shame... :?
Seems like many of us missed that one..... :-[
Thanks Alan.....
Thank you !!