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Ola all

So the Z4 came with that protective stickering on the back electronics cover. When I removed it it left marks as in the photos below.

Any ideas how to get these marks off? I dont see that the marks are in the plastic itself and I just tried StaSoft and Handy Andy to no avail.

    What fruitar said, use some kind of alcohol, borrow your GF's nail polish remover. Don't get it on the finish though
      Better not use any of these "organic" solvents such as meths, acetone (nail polish remover) or even handy andy (caustic). These could attack the plastic and make it worse/dull.
      Try some luke warm water with soap, scrubbing softly with one of those spungy things used in the kitchen.
        Ill try that vic. I didnt want to use alchohol based stuff as it is the plastic part and plastic always bloody dulls.

        This is the only thing that ruins the guitar look

        What if I wet sand it with 1000 grit?
          Naptha or meths or something should be fine. NOT acetone - that attacks most plastics.
            It seems as if they are scratches... from where I do not know.

            Can I sand them?
              Peanut butter came up in a previous post. have you tried that?
                It's not scratches, it's residue from the protective plastic being on too long. The cover is a matte finish and the residue is glossing up the finish. Usually cleaning it off (with alcohol or similar, as mentioned already) works. If all else fails, you can polish up the entire cover to a gloss finish using a fine polishing compound.
                  have you tried goo gone?

                  I was surprised how well it worked, PnP sells it for a little over R30.
                    Flatfour, Ill try that.

                    Thanx alan, Ill see if I can get a small bottle of the meths etc.
                      No goo gone at my local PnP and believe it or not, the bloody hardware store didnt have any meths...
                        infernox wrote: No goo gone at my local PnP and believe it or not, the bloody hardware store didnt have any meths...
                        damn dude, where you stay? lol.

                          infernox wrote: Douglasdale...
                          do you have a builders warehouse around your place? I saw goo-gone there as well as about 3-4 other cleaners for sticker residue as well.
                            Ill go look. Is it a small bottle?
                              infernox wrote: Ill go look. Is it a small bottle?
                              It comes in various sizes.......

                                I've used steam to remove glue and muck before and it worked well.
                                  i use thinners. Used it on my tele's before and it was ok. took the goo right off.
                                    Flatfour you rock!

                                    Costa I might quickly try steam, but this stuff is hard set on the plastic already.