...go to ebay, search for "guitar". You'll get in the region of half a million results. Select the sort option of "price: highest first". Start paging & reading the details. The top ones often come with a good yarn & history to them - often a bit suspect.
Do you want Jerry Garcia's "Travis Bean" - only $325, 000 with a few xtras.
I'm a sucker for a good story try this one for a chuckle:
http://cgi.ebay.com/1922-L1-Gibson-Guitar-Played-Zappa-Parsons-Page-GTOs-/400155101777?pt=Guitar&hash=item5d2b1a4a51 (bidding ended with no takers)
Do you want Jerry Garcia's "Travis Bean" - only $325, 000 with a few xtras.
I'm a sucker for a good story try this one for a chuckle:
http://cgi.ebay.com/1922-L1-Gibson-Guitar-Played-Zappa-Parsons-Page-GTOs-/400155101777?pt=Guitar&hash=item5d2b1a4a51 (bidding ended with no takers)