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  • Gear
  • BBE Pedals on Take 2 (USA section) going for cheap!

Hey everyone

I was looking at some pedals on Take 2 today and noticed that there is 50% or more off all the BBE pedals. For example the two timer analog delay pedal is going for R1,128 brand new and the BBE Green Screamer Vintage 808 OD pedal for R812. Just Add on R35 for shipping.

Sweet deals! Just search for BBE under the More USA section.

Link -> http://more.take2.co.za/usa?deptname=All&qsearch=bbe
    Is there any way to brose Take2 usa by what's on special?
      raithza wrote: Is there any way to brose Take2 usa by what's on special?
      I don't know if you can. But if it's on special at Amazon.com then it should also be on Take 2, because Take 2 use Amazon.
        Not to derail the topic ot to be contentious, but I've always wondered: why do so many of you guys buy from Take 2 when you could pay much less and get the items quicker through eBay or a US online store? Personally I've always preferred to buy from the source rather than paying extra to a middleman.

        Why wait 17 -29 working days when you can get items through US Postal Service Priority or Express in 2 or 3 weeks? Why pay R812+R35 for a BBE Green Screamer when you can pay R659.05 including USPS Priority from the cheapest eBay seller? Is there something I'm missing? Just wondering...
          I dont have a credit card :O
            Mr M wrote: Not to derail the topic ot to be contentious, but I've always wondered: why do so many of you guys buy from Take 2 when you could pay much less and get the items quicker through eBay or a US online store? Personally I've always preferred to buy from the source rather than paying extra to a middleman.

            Why wait 17 -29 working days when you can get items through US Postal Service Priority or Express in 2 or 3 weeks? Why pay R812+R35 for a BBE Green Screamer when you can pay R659.05 including USPS Priority from the cheapest eBay seller? Is there something I'm missing? Just wondering...
            The biggest problem I have with ebay is that you never know if the seller will send the merch.
            I lost R6000 on ebay buying a peavey 6505+, still waiting for it, been 18 months ?

            I prefer stores advertising on ebay ?
              Mr M wrote: Not to derail the topic ot to be contentious, but I've always wondered: why do so many of you guys buy from Take 2 when you could pay much less and get the items quicker through eBay or a US online store? Personally I've always preferred to buy from the source rather than paying extra to a middleman.

              Why wait 17 -29 working days when you can get items through US Postal Service Priority or Express in 2 or 3 weeks? Why pay R812+R35 for a BBE Green Screamer when you can pay R659.05 including USPS Priority from the cheapest eBay seller? Is there something I'm missing? Just wondering...
              Cos customs here suck their thumbs to determine excise an charge you vat plus duty plus any other fees they may add..buying from Take 2 takes out all the guess work or hassles of dealing iwth international seller shoud things go pear shape.

              R659 plus VAT = 750 odd so the saving is reduced an thats wiuthout the other BS..

              i am happy to pay Take 2, Kalahari etc cos the price i see is the price i pay
                OK. That makes it a bit clearer.

                With regards to the price on the BBE Pedal, remember, we're talking a 50% off sale on Take 2 versus the normal price any day of the week on eBay. I bought a Fishman Aura Spectrum DI from an eBay seller the other day and compared to the price on Take 2 I saved R1668. That's not exactly a small difference. ??? I didn't buy it on a sale. I paid the normal price. With customs fees (the most I've ever paid was R320 on a R4000 item - not even full VAT), I'll still save R1350. I bought it on the 23rd of Sept and as of yesterday it had arrived in SA customs, so I'll have it in the middle of next week. Rather quick versus 17 - 29 working days.

                Honestly, I think you guys are making it out to be harder and more expensive than it is. I've made around 60 purchases from the US/ UK/ EU over the past 5 years (an average of one a month) and I've never paid crazy customs fees, had super long waits, fraudulent sellers or missing items. This is shipping through USPS, Royal Mail and Deutsche Post - Fedex/ UPS/ DHL is another story...

                Inflames, sorry to hear about the 6505+ loss. That must have sucked.

                These days if you pay via Paypal and have a confirmed address, eBay buyer protection gives you all the rights in the case of a bad transaction. In the past it wasn't like this. You as a buyer have more rights and protection than a seller - why many sellers won't ship outside the US, afraid you will rip them off by claiming you never got the item.

                If you buy from eBay or overseas just make sure you're buying from a reputable seller (high feedback) or an established online dealer. Then you'll never have a problem. Private people are the dodgy ones.
                  What sort of power supply would you use for these pedals you get from Take2. The same as for the pedals you buy here?
                    inflames wrote:
                    Mr M wrote: Not to derail the topic ot to be contentious, but I've always wondered: why do so many of you guys buy from Take 2 when you could pay much less and get the items quicker through eBay or a US online store? Personally I've always preferred to buy from the source rather than paying extra to a middleman.

                    Why wait 17 -29 working days when you can get items through US Postal Service Priority or Express in 2 or 3 weeks? Why pay R812+R35 for a BBE Green Screamer when you can pay R659.05 including USPS Priority from the cheapest eBay seller? Is there something I'm missing? Just wondering...
                    The biggest problem I have with ebay is that you never know if the seller will send the merch.
                    I lost R6000 on ebay buying a peavey 6505+, still waiting for it, been 18 months ?

                    I prefer stores advertising on ebay ?
                    Was he a top rated seller and was there Ebay buyer protection?
                      Thats hectic Inflames! ?

                      I suppose it depends on where you are going to get the best price and least hasstle at the time. I've used both Take 2 and ebay and have had no problems with either. It is a bit worrying to hear stories like Inflames' though.

                      I didn't realise they were cheaper on ebay at the time, I just though that they were a good deal.

                      WRT the power supply, they are 9v pedals so in my mind the normal power supplies we have here should work fine.
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