Our band had our first paying live performances this weekend. Saturday was wobbly, Sunday the nerves had settled a bit and I got a taste of how great it can be to perform in front of an audience.
I absolutely hated my tone, and I would appreciate some tips from you seasoned pro's around this.
I know some theory around setting your gigging patches at high volumes so that you get a good live tone. Check out this site:
So I am aware of the whole Fletcher-Munson idea. I'm just not exactly sure how to get around it.
I have a few specific challenges:
I can't set the amp's attenuator too loud, because then my band-mate's complain about the on-stage volume. I mic the cab with an SM-57 that then runs into a PA channel for the audience sound, and that seems to work nicely.
On my 50W amp, the attenuator on the back is set about half-way.
The other challenge is that the two guitars I'm using, the Strat and the Les Paul, both plug into the same amp via a Radial instrument selector. I can compensate for the slightly different volumes on the guitars in a couple of ways, including a little "dim" setting on the pedal itself, so that's ok. But I struggled a bit to get both instruments to respond the way I like. If the Strat felt good, the Les Paul didn't, and vice-versa. My playing dynamics felt really crap on Saturday, with the guitars being too "sensitive" (amp too loud I guess) and me making a bit of a mess of the whole thing. Sunday was a lot better: I got there earlier and managed to tweak things a bit, and the band were a little more co-operative. ?
So, any master tips and tricks, or is it really a case of just more trial and error until I can dial in that mix I really like?