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  • Guitar
  • Fender Telecaster chronological order with images

Hello All

Has anyone got a link or just perhaps images of all the Telecaster models in chronological order? Looking to choose a style for my tele, but a comparison view would be great.

@ Mike: Yes I know the wonderful google exists! Already went that route, but dont know enough about the history to do a decent search.
    Hey infernox, go check out TDPRI.com

    It is a guitar forum like this one, but specifically geared towards Telecasters.
      Thanx Geadhead and Dee

      Dee im already a member, but I dont know much about teles and restoring/building one to original spec and more guys on there build to their own amazing spec.

      Ive been trying to find images of the neck, bridge etc etc differences to try and settle on a style, but to nno avail.
        • [deleted]

        infernox wrote: Dee im already a member, but I dont know much about teles and restoring/building one to original spec and more guys on there build to their own amazing spec.

        Ive been trying to find images of the neck, bridge etc etc differences to try and settle on a style, but to nno avail.
        It should be a case of function over form.

        Are you looking for specific pickup combos? maple or rosewood neck? etc etc?

        What do you specifically mean by 'style'?
          Brent, style means that I would like to either build or redo a squier to resemble a original TELE and im looking to do it year specific, i.e. '62 Telecaster or a 52 with the tooling marks etc etc.

          Essentially recreate the era's look. Pickups will more than likely stay original for the time being (i.e. squiers) and then be upgraded to Fender Vintage pickups later.
            infernox wrote: Brent, style means that I would like to either build or redo a squier to resemble a original TELE and im looking to do it year specific, i.e. '62 Telecaster or a 52 with the tooling marks etc etc.
            The main differences are in the bridge and wood used. Vintage bridges tend to be brass 3 saddle affairs, newer ones are 6 saddle and made from that weird silvery stuff? Don't know what it's doing on a tele! ? Little differences like tooling marks would be WAY down on my list, rather upgrade those squier pickups!
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