Soooooo... It all started with an obsession for effects... Therefore it was decided that a pedal board would be needed!! And so Proto 1 was born...(The two pedals are bolted on, hence they stayed on for the photoshoot...)




All cabling and power supplies run under the 2nd tier that is hinged for easy access. In time Proto 2 will be born in the form of a proper case so that all my pedals are properly protected!!
Now...some pedals...There a good couple of bought one's, however those wont appear in this thread. I make many of my own pedals (as i did study electronic engineering) and I am very specific when it comes to TONE!!
Here, follow the first two builds that are fully complete:
1: Of course the legendary TS-808:

2: The insanely cool Fulldrive 2:

The knobs will get labels in time I'm sure...but for now I know which controls are which...
The following are currently Under Construction and should appear shortly:
3: MXR Script Dynacomp (ciruit and case are both finished but need to be assembled)
4: Arbiter Fuzz Face (Si version 1st as its most stable and then I'll experiment with the germanium cct in time)
5: MXR Script Phase 90 (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
6: MXR Micro boost (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
7: EH Pulsar Tremolo (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
In time I will probably construct a couple more, but for now these should suffice ?
Jeremy out...




All cabling and power supplies run under the 2nd tier that is hinged for easy access. In time Proto 2 will be born in the form of a proper case so that all my pedals are properly protected!!
Now...some pedals...There a good couple of bought one's, however those wont appear in this thread. I make many of my own pedals (as i did study electronic engineering) and I am very specific when it comes to TONE!!
Here, follow the first two builds that are fully complete:
1: Of course the legendary TS-808:

2: The insanely cool Fulldrive 2:

The knobs will get labels in time I'm sure...but for now I know which controls are which...
The following are currently Under Construction and should appear shortly:
3: MXR Script Dynacomp (ciruit and case are both finished but need to be assembled)
4: Arbiter Fuzz Face (Si version 1st as its most stable and then I'll experiment with the germanium cct in time)
5: MXR Script Phase 90 (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
6: MXR Micro boost (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
7: EH Pulsar Tremolo (circuit is etched and awaits drilling)
In time I will probably construct a couple more, but for now these should suffice ?
Jeremy out...