Ola peeps
As stated in previous threads, Ill be looking at building a Telecaster real soon, although the aquisition of parts and planning will take me a whilst before I start building.
On that note, the ball has started rolling on getting just the body cut and it will have to stay at that for the time being as I would like all the parts to be here as I build, thus negating the frustration of waiting for parts etc etc.
I will most likely be ordering from Stewmac next month, so if anyone wants to get some stuff then maybe we can add to the order.
Now to the project:
As this is going to be my first Telecaster (and as Im feeling very partial to Les Paul right now) and more than likely my last, I want to make it special, thus Im not going to rush this, but also insist on staying original as much as possible in terms of parts and ideas.
I had a look at the various Fender parts on Ebay and Musiciansfriend.com but the original Fender stuff seems rather overpriced, but Ill be keeping a lookout for good lot items.
Having a visit to guitarfetish's new site today, I saw they have some really sexy stuff on hand in the colour I want and thus things like knobs etc will be non-original until I can find decently priced true Fender parts.
Guitarfetish does have a body which including shipping will cost me R600+- but seeing as I might get some wood for free, id rather go through the process.
Seeing a post from someone (I forgot the name) today with a link to a Fender, I fell in love with the idea of a white body, wooden pickguard and golden hardware.
So about an hour ago I went to work in Google Sketchup and tried to put something together. This is what I came up with, but I left the Pup's as silver as I dont know if I can get those in gold. Also mine will be a 3 brass saddle bridge and not 6 like in the proofs.

EDIT: Yes I know Sketchup's redition of Gold is horrid!
Question: What wood should I go with seeing as it will be painted in any case?
Also where can I get watertransfers printed?
Just had a look at GuitarFetish again and it came to this (not ordered YET!), this exlcudes shipping and the stuff I need to get from stewmac, but includes a neck and head, which is pre-made. The shipping is great from GF.com as long as you order lots of stuff.

As stated in previous threads, Ill be looking at building a Telecaster real soon, although the aquisition of parts and planning will take me a whilst before I start building.
On that note, the ball has started rolling on getting just the body cut and it will have to stay at that for the time being as I would like all the parts to be here as I build, thus negating the frustration of waiting for parts etc etc.
I will most likely be ordering from Stewmac next month, so if anyone wants to get some stuff then maybe we can add to the order.
Now to the project:
As this is going to be my first Telecaster (and as Im feeling very partial to Les Paul right now) and more than likely my last, I want to make it special, thus Im not going to rush this, but also insist on staying original as much as possible in terms of parts and ideas.
I had a look at the various Fender parts on Ebay and Musiciansfriend.com but the original Fender stuff seems rather overpriced, but Ill be keeping a lookout for good lot items.
Having a visit to guitarfetish's new site today, I saw they have some really sexy stuff on hand in the colour I want and thus things like knobs etc will be non-original until I can find decently priced true Fender parts.
Guitarfetish does have a body which including shipping will cost me R600+- but seeing as I might get some wood for free, id rather go through the process.
Seeing a post from someone (I forgot the name) today with a link to a Fender, I fell in love with the idea of a white body, wooden pickguard and golden hardware.
So about an hour ago I went to work in Google Sketchup and tried to put something together. This is what I came up with, but I left the Pup's as silver as I dont know if I can get those in gold. Also mine will be a 3 brass saddle bridge and not 6 like in the proofs.

EDIT: Yes I know Sketchup's redition of Gold is horrid!
Question: What wood should I go with seeing as it will be painted in any case?
Also where can I get watertransfers printed?
Just had a look at GuitarFetish again and it came to this (not ordered YET!), this exlcudes shipping and the stuff I need to get from stewmac, but includes a neck and head, which is pre-made. The shipping is great from GF.com as long as you order lots of stuff.