Well, it does have a 4th, its a seven note scale and the 4th is sharp.
Ok ok, it doesn't have a PERFECT fourth, sheez. ? /jk
Locrian last, that I understand, that's one sick puppy. Was just curious about the Lydian, thanks.
If you are going to play with said mode... you could use a crib sheet like lydian on major chords, dorian on minor chords and mixolydian on the V chords... reason being that even a I chord sounds good with the altered 11... instead of the perfect.
Play the fourth mode of the major scale over a major chord and the fourth mode of the minor scale (i.e. dorian) over a minor chord, keeps you in Lydian, yep logical. I just never find a use for that type of thinking when actually doing the playing... but I probably should. Interesting stuff.