FUll reviews available here soon, but in short:
Riaan wrote:
I'd be interested to hear what you think of the RT-20. I'm looking for a rotary speaker emulator of some kind.
Nice - and one of the coolest displays ever. Nice Rotovibe emulation too. The built in distortion sucks badly though and there's a few minor niggles. Also, my percussive playing makes it clip on the attack (that's probably just me, but it's a dealbreaker). Pity really, as there isn't much available for the Leslie fan (plenty of Rotovibes, but not Leslie sims). I got Bothners to pull that one in specially for me to try - they are
very hard to find (someone sold the first one they found for me before I got a chance to try it). This seems to be the last one, so if you want to try it, PM me and we can make sure you get a crack at it.
makepeace wrote:
I'd be interested in hearing about the T-Rex and the Big Muff Pi. Would be cool to hear about the variation of sounds you can get out of the muff. ?
The T-Rex is awesome - I don't think Marshall are getting that one back. Not an "effect" compressor like a CS-3 or Dyna Comp, but a transparent one like the Keeley or a studio comp.
The Wicker version of the Muff is also good - it's a Muff, so if you like the sound of them, you'll like it. The tone bypass and Wicker switches add a lot of variety and make it sound more like a boutique fuzz with more of everything - better dynamics at lower settings and a wider frequency response.