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Wow! Drool worthy stuff guys!

Still no timeline Danny? What cab is that, looks big!
    Paul E wrote: Any chance we can see the back of the rack? I'd like to just see the wiring, purely for educational purposed. I'm interested to see how this all fits together with a midi setup! ?
    The MIDI setup for guitar is straightforward and is only being used for control - no note info - just patch changes and the occasional CC (controlling things like Leslie speed via expression pedal).

    The GR-55 is self contained. That's the beauty of it - guitar synth, guitar/bass modelling and amp/effects modelling in one. Live I'm just using the audio outs (aside from USB for recording) - I don't even hook up the MIDI connections. Last few gigs where I've used the GR-55 and Carvin Nylon string, I didn't take anything else and covered everything from bass to piano parts (and even a few guitar bits ?).
      Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
      Paul E wrote: Any chance we can see the back of the rack? I'd like to just see the wiring, purely for educational purposed. I'm interested to see how this all fits together with a midi setup! ?
      The MIDI setup for guitar is straightforward and is only being used for control - no note info - just patch changes and the occasional CC (controlling things like Leslie speed via expression pedal).
      Alan Ratcliffe wrote: In the back of the rack is a TC NovaDrive, a Lovepedal OD11 and a Tech 21 Blonde
      How are the TC NovaDrive, OD11 and Tech 21 connected to the system? Are they controlled via the G-System?
        Paul E wrote: How are the TC NovaDrive, OD11 and Tech 21 connected to the system? Are they controlled via the G-System?
        They are on the switchable effects loops of the G-System. The MIDI connection to the NovaDrive integrates it fully into the G-System, meaning that not only can you change ND patches, but you can program it via the floorboard or the software editor as if it were built-in.

        There is no extra control over the other external effects per se, but a little known feature of the effects loops is that each has both a send and return level, so you can actually control gain and level of your drives if you know what you are about - it's not mentioned in the manual, but I'm experimenting with it ATM.
          shadow1 wrote:
          JoeyBones wrote: Just thought I'd bump up this thread with a temporary update.

          The Gator gig box I was using was way too cramped so I sold it and got a Warwick rockcase instead. My board is in limbo at the moment while I wait for a few new toys to arrive. The M5 and Cusack Screamer are new and very welcome additions. A new power supply, Compressor, Clean Boost, Octave pedal, Delay, smaller junction box and Volume/Wah (Should have arrived a week ago) are all on their way. The wiring is very messy at the moment, but this should be sorted out by the end of the month. The TAP-A-WHIRL will have to take the side line for now. Don't have enough space to fit it in and the M5's tremolo's are good enough.

          HMMMM that m5 is an interesting one...I too thought about that to save some space. How natural does it sound? Or is it very "digital" sounding.
          Sorry for the late reply. I'm in the process of moving, so life's a bit hectic right now.

          I haven't spent enough time with the M5, but from what I've experienced so far, it's way better than the previous line 6 multi effects I've tried (POD, POD XT Live, etc). Very easy to use once you get the hang of it.
          The only gripe I have is the method to switch between presets. You have to press the ON/OFF and TAP buttons simultaneously to get into preset mode and then either use the TAP(Scroll down) and ON/OFF(Scroll Up) or the Model Select knob to scroll between preset and then hit ON/OFF and TAP buttons simultaneously again to select the preset. I'm investigating the possibility of adding a jack with a three button footswitch for external "engage preset mode", TAP and ON/OFF. Not sure if this is going to be possible or too much effort yet.

          The drives are a bit too digital sounding for me. I mainly bought it for the reverbs and as a second delay (New primary delay on it's way :? ), which are fine for live use. I'd say that only a very finicky guitarist would find them lacking in quality. I had a Nova Delay before this and the one thing I like about the M5 is the number of delay types and the fact that you can have just about every subdivision on all of them. Most only use dotted eighth and quater notes, but it opens you up to some experimentation.

          Everything else is just added fun for when I get bored. The tremolo is decent too.

          Wel that's my 5 cents on it. Will have to wait for one of our forum officionados to do a proper review on it ?
            JoeyBones wrote:
            shadow1 wrote:
            JoeyBones wrote: Just thought I'd bump up this thread with a temporary update.

            The Gator gig box I was using was way too cramped so I sold it and got a Warwick rockcase instead. My board is in limbo at the moment while I wait for a few new toys to arrive. The M5 and Cusack Screamer are new and very welcome additions. A new power supply, Compressor, Clean Boost, Octave pedal, Delay, smaller junction box and Volume/Wah (Should have arrived a week ago) are all on their way. The wiring is very messy at the moment, but this should be sorted out by the end of the month. The TAP-A-WHIRL will have to take the side line for now. Don't have enough space to fit it in and the M5's tremolo's are good enough.

            HMMMM that m5 is an interesting one...I too thought about that to save some space. How natural does it sound? Or is it very "digital" sounding.
            Sorry for the late reply. I'm in the process of moving, so life's a bit hectic right now.

            I haven't spent enough time with the M5, but from what I've experienced so far, it's way better than the previous line 6 multi effects I've tried (POD, POD XT Live, etc). Very easy to use once you get the hang of it.
            The only gripe I have is the method to switch between presets. You have to press the ON/OFF and TAP buttons simultaneously to get into preset mode and then either use the TAP(Scroll down) and ON/OFF(Scroll Up) or the Model Select knob to scroll between preset and then hit ON/OFF and TAP buttons simultaneously again to select the preset. I'm investigating the possibility of adding a jack with a three button footswitch for external "engage preset mode", TAP and ON/OFF. Not sure if this is going to be possible or too much effort yet.

            The drives are a bit too digital sounding for me. I mainly bought it for the reverbs and as a second delay (New primary delay on it's way :? ), which are fine for live use. I'd say that only a very finicky guitarist would find them lacking in quality. I had a Nova Delay before this and the one thing I like about the M5 is the number of delay types and the fact that you can have just about every subdivision on all of them. Most only use dotted eighth and quater notes, but it opens you up to some experimentation.

            Everything else is just added fun for when I get bored. The tremolo is decent too.

            Wel that's my 5 cents on it. Will have to wait for one of our forum officionados to do a proper review on it ?
            I would just control it via MIDI. The delays in the M series have been improved on from the DL4, and we all know how many pro's use that big green guy. I find the Nova Delay very limiting, congrats on the M5.
              I'm using midi to switch through the presets for our Sunday programs at church. Works great when you have a set list with pre-determined tempos. In one of the songs I use a heavy hall reverb for the verses and prechorus and a dotted eight delay for the chorus and instrumental. Switching with the Musicom is an absolute breeze. Best investment I've ever made.
                Hey i too purchased a M5 two weeks ago. Mainly to replace all my occasional pedals like flanger, chorus and my tuner. I am selling my dl4 but will probably get a flashback as i feel safer having a dedicated delay pedal. Also bought a lovepedal eternity fuse and am loving it!
                  Dingwall wrote: Hey i too purchased a M5 two weeks ago. Mainly to replace all my occasional pedals like flanger, chorus and my tuner. I am selling my dl4 but will probably get a flashback as i feel safer having a dedicated delay pedal. Also bought a lovepedal eternity fuse and am loving it!
                  I'm thinking of dropping my tuner off the board as well. The M5's tuner works fine by me and it would free up a slot on my board :?
                    kayDUB wrote: Wow! Drool worthy stuff guys!

                    Still no timeline Danny? What cab is that, looks big!
                    Major major hassle with the Timeline. Paid for it 5 months ago and it still hasn't appeared. Needless to say, I have emailed Strymon themselves and complained about the local distribution. Hopefully it will get sorted out soon ?

                    The cab is enormous! It's a '67/'68 bassman cab. It looks like it was made for 15 inch speakers, but actually has two unknown alnico 12s. It sounds increeeedible.
                      24 days later
                      Have not posted here in a while... my pedalboard as it stands now. still need to properly wire this baby up probably and get another decent overdrive and maybe a compressor...

                      And yes the el capistan does live up to the hype!! ?

                        Wow man last time I saw your board it was torally different... that is a great looking setup!!!!!!!
                        Amp and guitar?
                          Here's my board. I made the board out of wood and stuff... :'(
                          Lol, its really small but does everything I need it to.
                          I just need something for beefier drive.

                            6 days later
                            Nylonica wrote: Here's my board. I made the board out of wood and stuff... :'(
                            Cool! Nothing wrong with diy wooden pedalboards! 8)

                            Also, Update time! BlueSky nestled in! I'm still very much in the honeymoon phase... Really loving the 'verb! The shimmer works soooo good in a worship setting. When we do a piano heavy song I can take over the pad/synthy stuff, which is very fun.

                            I also rewired to board to move the nova delay in bluesky into the amp's effects loop. I also made a diy snake thingy for all the cables which works nicely.
                              JoeyBones wrote: Nicely done Rikus ?
                              +1! Awesome board Rikus
                                Thanks guys! ?

                                I've got to admit that moving to individual stomps has been so worth it. I enjoy the tinkering with the actual board almost as much as using the pedals!
                                  rikus wrote: Thanks guys! ?

                                  I've got to admit that moving to individual stomps has been so worth it. I enjoy the tinkering with the actual board almost as much as using the pedals!
                                  YIP that sounds about right, just end up tinkering for ever and ever and ever...

                                  I traded my boss gt6 for a wah and then got a TS. I was convinced that was ALL I needed.... ? and if you see my board now its pretty far from that.
                                  I love having many drive flavours...seems to be my thing.

                                  thought I would use alot of effects but turned out very different. I would have never known that if I never went stomp route.