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  • Events
  • TJs acoustic music club - Thursday 17th June

Venue: Marks Park sports club, Judith Road, Emmarentia, Johannesburg

Time: Music starts 20:00, doors open 19:15ish

Admission: R20

Line up
  • The Jug Band
  • Mike Burger
  • Sharon Kyra
  • Mike Rowe
  • Paul Hone
    The jug band? hmmm.... Is the performance PG13? or do they play on actual ceramics? What is that all about? ??? ?
      aja wrote: The jug band? hmmm.... Is the performance PG13? or do they play on actual ceramics? What is that all about? ??? ?
      I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect that they'll wear straw hats, act like yokels, blow into a jug and scrape a washboard and that you have a one-track mind ?

        I will be there tonight in spectator and pain in backside capacity.
          Oi...Can someone give me directions from Pta again please?

          Some Germans borrowed my GPS and I almost need that even to go to the potty.
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