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  • Guitar
  • Marshall Music Are Useless...

i have never received such poor service from a music store in my whole life, i send them a 10 year old 12 string eko family heirloom that i gave to them about 2,5yrs ago, after endless calls and contacting them and waiting for a response, i have finally got resolve. The manager at the store calls me and tells me, they cannot find the guitar, and they are not willing to replace it because its not economically quantifiable to do so and as such they said that if i want to, i can buy a new 12 string at cost price, that is the best they can do for me...

subsequent to that i have called the owner of the franchise, and he tells me that my guitar was effectively worth about R200 and they will not replace the guitar, he offered to go and speak to his colleagues to find me a second hand equivalent, worth the value of the guitar, he then further mentions to me, the guy they employed to fix the guitar was a drug addict who most likely sold the guitar for drug money.. "Verbatim" his exact words...

just wanted to let you guys out there know.. and i highly recommend u do not take you guitars to these tossers to fix.. i am currently considering legal action against them as they are vicariously responsible for the guitar along with a potential criminal charge for theft..
    Thats wrong on so many levels. I am sorry about the loss man. I mean a family heirloom, how can you attach a price to that. And then the nerve to tell you its not worth much , thats not the point. I mean my axes are not worth sh!t. But I would be pi$$ed if that happened to me.
    Which Marshall's was this ???

    PS Govendl3 = Govender @s well
      haha.. awesome dude.. man Indian rockers are few and far between dude.. ah man they are such a bunch of tossers man, i just called the owner to let him know im going to take legal action..

      Thats what im saying man, its a damn heirloom, they cannot quantify that and expect me to pay for a replacement...what a joke dude.. This is the Marshall Music in the South man..

      #%&k these dudes man, i am gonna fight the power here and stick it to the man...\m/
        ah the marshall in the Glen? Man those guys are crap i dont bother doing a thing there, they pretty much might aswell employ retards they may get more done.
        Ah man sorry bout that, even if the guitar was worth notging its the principle. Tell them the whole GFSA will boycott them. however they already have no busness so this wont scarethem to much
          If someone sold the guitar, look around at the pawn shops nearby.

          Or if you believe it is stolen press charges man. If you think it's worth fighting for the guitar then go for it.
            tyrone.govender wrote:
            i have never received such poor service from a music store in my whole life, i send them a 10 year old 12 string eko family heirloom that i gave to them about 2,5yrs ago
            This is ambiguous - one way of reading this is that you sent them the guitar 2 1/2 years ago.
              correct mate.. i have been waiting close onto 2,5 years to get my guitar back..in December 2007, i took it to the store.. i have been calling them ever since, i got the brush off saying they are looking for it, they are trying to get hold of repair man who has it.. any myriad of excuses they chucked back at me..untill i called them again last week and to my surprise they actually got back to me today and this what they said..
              X-rated Bob wrote:
              tyrone.govender wrote:
              i have never received such poor service from a music store in my whole life, i send them a 10 year old 12 string eko family heirloom that i gave to them about 2,5yrs ago
              This is ambiguous - one way of reading this is that you sent them the guitar 2 1/2 years ago.
                MIKA the better one wrote: ah the marshall in the Glen? Man those guys are crap i dont bother doing a thing there, they pretty much might aswell employ retards they may get more done.
                Ah man sorry bout that, even if the guitar was worth notging its the principle. Tell them the whole GFSA will boycott them. however they already have no busness so this wont scarethem to much
                yeah man, it was before they moved the glen, they had a huge store at Camaro Crossing.. cos i use to stay there it was my preferrred spot, i bought 6 of my axes from those retards... but yeah man.. i will not support these people again...
                  shocking story this and i hope you get closure on this.

                  why you wait this long to state yr case...

                  BTW , the store is responsible for the actions of their employees so are liable.

                  NOW, the biggest problem is that are you really prepared to follow the legal route , its going to be expensive an maybe not worth the time and effort and finances ...may i suggest you take emotion out of it , go and sit with the manager and try an thrash out an amicable solution... this will be the way to do it imho ..legal route going to end in crap all round and no one really wins ,cept the lawyers.

                    tyrone.govender wrote: correct mate.. i have been waiting close onto 2,5 years to get my guitar back..in December 2007, i took it to the store.. i have been calling them ever since, i got the brush off saying they are looking for it, they are trying to get hold of repair man who has it.. any myriad of excuses they chucked back at me..untill i called them again last week and to my surprise they actually got back to me today and this what they said..
                    AS long as you didn't hand it over to them and then call them 2.5 years later. It would have been quite reasonable to sell it to defray costs if that was what had happened.

                    This is a fraught situation. In some cases you THINK you are handing your guitar over to the shop, but they are just letting some guy - who doesn't work for them - use some space. In other cases they send the guitar to some physically different location, maybe even another shop. So even though you handed the instrument over their counter, it's not actually going to somebody that they can control.

                    In cases like this I would hope that stores would make it clear that they are just sending the guitar on to some other business for repair.
                      Whatever the legal or cost issues, this speaks extremely loudly about their attitude to customers. It's not ok to lose someone's guitar just because it's not an expensive instrument. It's even less ok to imply that you're not responsible because the person they chose to trust with your instrument proved to be unreliable.

                      My verdict (in lieu of further info): Bums. The lot of them.

                      Not too surprising given the standard SA approach to business.
                        IceCreamMan wrote: shocking story this and i hope you get closure on this.

                        why you wait this long to state yr case...

                        BTW , the store is responsible for the actions of their employees so are liable.

                        NOW, the biggest problem is that are you really prepared to follow the legal route , its going to be expensive an maybe not worth the time and effort and finances ...may i suggest you take emotion out of it , go and sit with the manager and try an thrash out an amicable solution... this will be the way to do it imho ..legal route going to end in crap all round and no one really wins ,cept the lawyers.
                        i hear you man.. i was in regular contact with them over the years.. month in and month out, id call.. eventually it got to a point of hay don't call us, we will call you when we have more information... exactly fortunately i work with a bunch of lawyers here.. i work in forensics.. so they are most definitely vicariously liable for it...

                        i tried to be reasonable with the manager this morning, he said the best he could do, was give me a new 12 string at cost price or alternatively he has attached a financial value of around R200 for the guitar, he said he could speak to his circles and find me another 12 string equivalent to the that value and give that to me.. personally i dont see anything there cept being shafted for thier negligence man..
                          singemonkey wrote: Whatever the legal or cost issues, this speaks extremely loudly about their attitude to customers. It's not ok to lose someone's guitar just because it's not an expensive instruments. It's even less ok to imply that you're not responsible because the person they chose to trust with your instrument proved to be unreliable.

                          My verdict (in lieu of further info): Bums. The lot of them.

                          Not too surprising given the standard SA approach to business.
                          Agreed mate, hence why i felt the need for my fellow guitar brethren to know about this kinda crap..

                            I have extensive dealings with Marshall Music Woodmead, with all the staff members, the manager, and the owner of the entire franchise...AND I HAVE NOTHING BUY GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT EVERY ONE OF THEM.

                            So, I think it's dangerous to generalize about the entire Marshall Music because of one specific incident...the possibility of defamation exists right here, any decent lawyer would tell you that.
                              Well... seeing as Tokai is not in favour of one musician warning another... well tyrone... phone Mr. Marshall and see what he says. Kindly let him know that action will be taken against his store name as such... cos it is
                                No defamation here , as long as the poster is detailing his experiences and they are true then he is being factual....

                                (this is a valid defence against defamation)
                                  I wonder what Marshall Music Head Office will have to say? This is not doing any good to the Marshall Music brand as a whole. Maybe you'll get more joy out of them.

                                  EDIT: EVO you got in before me. :-[
                                    Here's something I'd like to know about this defamation on forums malarkey: how then do consumer reporting sites continue to operate? They allow people to write down their service experiences, and host these reports on their sites for the express purpose of judging the quality of a service provider.

                                    They don't do extensive, or any, fact checking before hand. If there was a case for defamation, or even if they thought they could threaten such sites, why hasn't vodacom - that abysmal looter of our pockets - threatened these consumer sites into non-existence with the endless supplies of cash that they have stashed after sucking it out of all of our necks?

                                    See: http://www.hellopeter.com

                                    I've mailed their info line to ask them if they can shed any light on this issue. It does not sound remotely rational that forum owners can actually be held responsible while consumer watchdog sites can host this "defamatory" content with impunity.
                                      Even if it is defamation (which I really don't think it is) actions have consequences. They lost his guitar. That is unacceptable. Bad press is the most natural and very just consequence. I also deal with them in Woodmead and I am also happy with them but this is how unethical behaviour is sorted out and Marshall music should be aware that a store is soiling the franchise.
                                        Am I missing something here?

                                        If I read the various posts correctly it seems to me that Marshall are prepared to either replace the instrument with one of similar value - if they can find one - or alternatively to offer a new instrument at their cost price. This is not running away from the problem or shirking their responsibility.

                                        A reminder: If you have instruments that are particularly valuable to you, or just plain expensive, then insure them - especially if they are the tools of your trade. If you hand an instrument over to a shop the insist on a receipt, and with a good description of the handed over goods on the receipt.