This is becoming a difficult one, as I'm not familiar with any of these. The Stagepass is exactly the kind of all-in-one system that would be suited to a solo singer with backtracks. Will of course still have to add a microphone.
BUT I'm not to sure this will deliver the power he'll need in the long run - big weddings etc with the two 10" speakers. He'll definitely get acceptable and probably good results in smaller venues. I see this particular system as perfect for a solo guitar and voice in a restaurant, coffee shop etc. It'll be great for that. And obviously also as a PA for seminars etc. Whether it'll carry him for more than a year before he needs more power is debatable. If you have a mixed component type setup you can upgrade your amp or speakers when that happens. Here you're stuck with it. You've got an integrated unit. So I'm not sure this is the one.
WantzChas wrote:
(I don't understand this part on the Wharfedale Pro's all that well since we asked for a mixer to be included in the "bundle", but I don't see or remember any mixers shown to us)
Wharfedale EVPX15P powered speaker @ R4 500 each
Wharfedale EVPX15PB powered bass bins @ R5 650 each
No,this makes no sense. You'll blow the whole budget on two speakers - good ones, though. AFAIK you can't connect your mic and tracks directly to it, so you'll need a mixer still.
WantzChas wrote:
Citronic 12inch powered by amp speakers x 2 + Citrinoc 20 channel mixer + 2 speaker stands + a mic worth R350 @ R12 200.
They said that when he wants to upgrade he can use the speakers as monitors. This seemed appealing, but the guy at the other shop said Citrinoc is El Shito. Said he has blown 6 monitors. That sounded like El Shito because why would you buy something that blew again? Sales talk.
I don't know Citronic at all. So I can't comment. But a microphone at R350? Any stage / professional entry level microphone is IMO in the R 1 500 minimum range. So maybe that is indicative that it is a very entry level package offering from a generic type manufacturer. I'd be very careful.
So, what now ☹
My feeling is just that with R 12 000 you can do better. You can get a good pair of EVH's or something like that for about 6 or 7k. You just have to look around (pair, not single). Add a powered mixer for another 3 or 4k and a microphone (SM58 type minimum) and you're there.
I know this is not very helpful, but I'm just not too happy with what we've got here ... ?