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Marshall Music and the South African Music Institute (SAMI) are holding a clinic on Saturday 28th June 2008 at the Marshall Music Woodmead Megastore. The clinic will feature Gerrie Pansegrouw, the head guitar instructor at SAMI, and his amazing 3 piece band.
Gerrie will give a master class in guitar- covering techniques, tips and tricks for beginners to advanced players. He will be demonsrating the latest and greatest gear including LINE 6, Takamine, Martin, ESP, Mesa-Boogie and many others!!! There will be lots of FREE GIVE-AWAYS and PRIZES.
Time: 1pm
When: Sat 28th June
NB Please RSVP to Stuart on 011 804 1362 as soon as possible as there are a limited amount of seats available. www.saminstitute.com
    just phoned. im gonna be there?
      Yeah....how about Cape Town?
        9 days later
        Unrelated to the SAMI event, Marshall are having another guitar clinic at the Woodmead store @ 1pm tomorrow. I'm going to be there in any case coz I need to pick up a recording cable and a JS-strap (don't ask), so see I'll you there if you decide to check it out ?
          I'm gonna be there tomorrow. its gonna be awesome?
            The clinic was pretty damn neat. Gerrie is an awesome player and very humble. He spoke a lot about Line 6 and, I must say, their stuff sounds shit-hot.

            He uses the Vary-Axe (spelling?) for recording with his Pod XT and says he gets awesome tone out of it. The obvious benefits being the ability to get up and running in no time but even Gerrie admits that you probably shouldn't use a POD for gigs. Rather go for one of their amps. (Which, by the way, are amazing.)

            Chatted to him for a bit before the clinic got started and he told me about his guitar school (www.guitarschool.co.za).

            It sounds pretty neat. It's in the West Rand and you attend 3 times a week from 9am to 1pm. The course lasts a year and, at the end of it, you should have everything you need to decide where you're going to take this thing.

            It's an intense year, by the way. They do plenty theory but probably not comparable to a 3 or 4 year course at, say, TUT in Pretoria.

            I'd like to start arranging little "outings" to these clinics where we can all pitch up, chat a bit, attend the clinic, and then report back here with useful info. Could be fun. Especially once we start doing our own clinics ?

            Any hoo, also had a chat to Stu from Marshall. We're going to be talking about a discount for all you dudes that visit and post here. Also, they're happy to loan us gear to review here on the forum. I'd like to chat to a few of you about that, if you're keen. Preferrably Gauteng area only for now.

            We're also probably going to do some banner-swaps and things like that but need to chat to Stu and Alan before I can confirm anything.

            OH, almost forgot, I got the chance to play on a blue JS1000 -- quite nice. Definitely could do with a setup but, otherwise, sweet axe! Asked Stu about the JS1200s and he told me they also have them in white which is probably my fave colour for the JS-range. Hope to have one soon! (ie: This year as opposed to next year ?)

            Eish, sorry about the long, mixed up post. Should probably send this as next week's newsletter!
              ? Sounds really sweet!! Was gonna pop into Woodmead yesterday, but really now, waking up before one on a Saturday is just crazy talk only reason i'm up now is i need to get some strings ☹ we need some 24/7 music stores....
                Sounds good. It's VariAxe, BTW. Cool electronics, so-so guitars.

                Re: Marshall - let's keep it off list until we have concrete arrangements.
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