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Please post links to any good Gumtree/Junkmail/Capeads deals you run across here that you think someone else might benefit from.
    That's actually real cheap ? It's a $500 or so guitar.
      If you look real hard in Junkmail and Gumtree you will find amazing ads for a Bass and Guitar teacher also A guy that will help you setup and operate your own recording studio and there is this amazing Blues guitarist that looking to join a band. Just tell them I sent you i.e. type Renesongs in the search bar. LOL :dance:- (sorry AL but you left yourself wide open to that one)
        That guy's a hack - doesn't know his A-hole from his F-hole.

        Y'see? Hoist by your own petard! The classifieds have rules against that kind of thing...
          Au contraire, mon frere. It is you that has been "hoist with your own petard", to quote The bard *Rene runs for cover under his copy of "Eats, shoots & leaves"*
            Au conbloodytraire right back at you. While Shakespeare did use "For tis the sport to have the enginer hoist with his owne petar" 400 years ago, modern usage is "by", as in "caught by your own trap" or more accurately "blown up by your own shaped explosive charge".

            You frogs really shouldn't lecture us Brits on our own language. Remember Agincourt? Want us to come over there and do it again? ?
              You frogs really shouldn't lecture us Brits on our own language. Remember Agincourt? Want us to come over there and do it again?
              LOL I'm as much a Frenchman as you are. I may be, though I doubt it, a descendant of Sir William d'Avenant, godson of William Shakespeare.
              OK to truly modernize the expression let's try "Hoisted by your own petard" or just simply "Epic fail dude!" ?
                Watch out as there are fakes on the market. Research before buying ?
                  MikeM wrote: Watch out as there are fakes on the market. Research before buying ?
                    MikeM wrote: Watch out as there are fakes on the market. Research before buying ?
                    Damn those Fong Kong #$%#!@)( >☹
                    If you go there and it's a fake please shove that whole shipment of SM58's up his @$$ >☹
                      GT8 down to R2500...
                        CDee wrote:
                        MikeM wrote: Watch out as there are fakes on the market. Research before buying ?
                        Damn those Fong Kong #$%#!@)( >☹
                        If you go there and it's a fake please shove that whole shipment of SM58's up his @$$ >☹
                        If they are indeed fakes then report it to Wild & Marr.....