I see in the User CP page there is a section on themes for the website.. but there's only the default theme. Is there any chance of a few other themes being made available in the near future? Just to liven things up a bit ?
We're upgrading the forum software next month to the latest version - which has a few new features - and the theme will be changed to suit. I doubt if we'll have a choice for you to select though, we want to get it so our branding stays consistent.
Just to clarify, it might not happen next month - all depends on my work load. But we're very very keen on upgrading as the new version is uber sexy.
Regarding themes - we'll probably stick to the default theme for quite some time to come. One day, when I have a few grand to spare, I'm going to ask one of my designers to redesign this place for us but keep the girl and red colour. Just so you know what's happening one day. In the future. Down theeeeeeere ?
As for having multiple themes... maybe... we can offer slightly different versions. Say: super-light version for folk on slow connections, black version (with red bits) for metal-heads, pink kissy version for Lethe ? But all of that will take way more time and resources than we can put in right now so you'll have to bear with us for now.
O Ok that's cool ? It's not that I dislike the way GFSA looks, I consider it way cooler than most forums I've seen, but possibly some colour variations etc in future would be quite slick.