Hi guys
Its been almost 3 weeks since i managed to puncture my ear drum and i can still not jam, or well i can, but not without having a blistering headache after 5 minutes, even at low volumes. Strange thread, i just want to tell you guys, that thing you hear that nothing smaller than your elbow belongs in your ear, is total truth, especially when it comes to be being a musician. sigh, i feel so sorry for myself ... lol
How on earth did you do that?
My earbud kinda slipped in and hit it with a mighty thump, ive got my hearing back, but its healing so its very sensitive to loud noises as well as earphones etc. ☹
Dude, see a doctor and/or a specialist.
Our ears are valuable. we need to take care of them. I would dare say our ears are more valuable than our hands.
That sux Francis, hope you get better soon.. Thanx for the heads up, no more ear cleaning for me ?
How not to clean your ears...
1. Connect ear bud to cordless drill
2. Insert bud in ear
3. press trigger.
Presto! you have a Shiny, newly buffed inner ear.
sorry to hear that francis..... hope you heal soon...... best wish's
peace and light and healing energy
Hey Francis, sorry to hear about your ear(s).......contacted Norio last week, maybe he spoke with get better fast mate......
I've seen the doctor, it just takes some time to get better. Its healed ( closed ) and now more it has to strengthen so it can handle it again.
Aubs, nah he hasn't, about what?
I had an ear infection once. It hurt when I had the slightest hiccup. I normally try and get my ears cleaned out at the doctor. Until I do, I don't go underwater anywhere, in case my ears get blocked, then I have a problem...
They say the best way to clean your own ears is with your elbow...can't be done of course!
I'm as guilty, as I do the same thing, only I use a paper clip...but don't do as I do, do as I say... ? Best is to have someone do it for you under direct vision.
A paper clip?! Holy shitballs, what are you, some kind of thrillseeker?
As a kid I did what Francis did. Highly unpleasant. I'm still nervous about cleaning my ears these days...
Waaaah, I'm going to "grill" everytime I see an earbud now.
A paper clip?! Holy shitballs, what are you, some kind of thrillseeker?, that's as close as I come to living on the edge or extreme sports...perhaps I'd also put some extra chillies on my pizza once in a while. ?
Use ear candles to clean your ears... it also helps with tinitus ?
I have also seen ear spoons. Apparently a little safer but so gross haha.
Get well soon!
Reminds me of KoRn - Right Now [The MV], the dude in the video wants to clean his ear with a pencil and then forgets about the pencil and answers the telephone, he kinda pushes too hard.... ?
Another way to clean your ears is to have them syringed out by your doctor. They inject warm water into your ear to wash all the waxy crap out. I prefer earbuds and the looped end of a hairclip ?
Graeme Parfett wrote:
Another way to clean your ears is to have them syringed out by your doctor. They inject warm water into your ear to wash all the waxy crap out. I prefer earbuds and the looped end of a hairclip ?
Had that done by my GP once or twice, and it seems to be the safest, and your head feels super light and clean ........... however, I would never use cotton buds or hairclips!!!!!! >☹
I think the GP would be only way to go, at the moment i cant clean my ears, sound gross but im not allowed to get any water in my ears, failure to do so could result in complications i.e. losing my hearing ☹