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  • Guitar
  • Epiphones are tough! P.S I Hate other ppls kids!

Shew is all I can say!

Had a few guys round for a braai today and of course along came the school of kids with them! Unbelievable how they allow their kids to wreck havoc and seem so hardened/un-oblivious to the goings on!

Needless to say I found my Epiphone Les Paul lying face down on the ground next to my guitar stand in my study-obviously had a hard fall!

But on examination everything looks OK and the neck seems to still be fine and in tune up the neck! These Epiphones are solid and seem tough! Thank Goodness ?

    I have a four year old who loves to explore. Gotta lock the study door next time!!

    Glad she's OK, though ... ?
      Next time, give the visiting kids a can of paint and secretly tell them "go paint daddy's car"...
        Riaan wrote: Next time, give the visiting kids a can of paint and secretly tell them "go paint daddy's car"...
        ............LOL................... ? ?
          Riaan wrote: Next time, give the visiting kids a can of paint and secretly tell them "go paint daddy's car"...
          Dont joke ...this actually happend to a mate of mine many years ago ...sept the kids did it all by themselves ?
            mattayou wrote: These Epiphones are solid and seem tough!
            Mostly they are. However, like nearly any Gibson-style guitar, they do have one weak point - the top of the neck/headstock. So you should still be careful and practice "percussive education" of kids around it.
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              To be fair to the kids, some adults are just as clumsy.
                mattayou wrote: Shew is all I can say!
                Had a few guys round for a braai today and of course along came the school of kids with them! Unbelievable how they allow their kids to wreck havoc and seem so hardened/un-oblivious to the goings on!
                Needless to say I found my Epiphone Les Paul lying face down on the ground next to my guitar stand in my study-obviously had a hard fall!
                But on examination everything looks OK and the neck seems to still be fine and in tune up the neck! These Epiphones are solid and seem tough! Thank Goodness ?
                Hey Mattayou......glad to hear she's ok!!! ?
                Attila wrote:
                Riaan wrote: Next time, give the visiting kids a can of paint and secretly tell them "go paint daddy's car"...
                Dont joke ...this actually happend to a mate of mine many years ago ...sept the kids did it all by themselves ?
                Hey Attilla........hope he at least liked the colour!!! ?

                My boy Eli, pic of my avatar....(don't be fooled by that innocent looking face) was about 3 when we bought a new MB with cream interior, he decided to take a BLACK permanent marker and write his "name" (obviously could'nt do it properly), all over my seats........the marks are still faint after trying many ways of getting it off..... >☹

                Kids are not really clumsy, they're just kids, doing what they're supposed to do.......be naughty!!!!

                Matt....wait till yours come along, then the fun starts.......but yeah, I feel for your Epi!!!!!! ?

                  • [deleted]

                  decided to take a BLACK permanent marker and write his "name" (obviously could'nt do it properly), all over my seats........
                  I wish I could still do that....I guess there's nothing stopping me except that annoying awareness of consequences
                    I don't want to have any kids...too much responsibility...
                      Congrats on your guitar's survival. I feel your relief.

                      I heard a lot of stories like this, and the advice was always the same - put your guitars in their cases when you're not playing them. I keep my girlfriend's Gibtone (0_O) from India on the stand, but the others I put away when I'm done - even though it's annoying.

                      btw: The Gibtone's currently unfrettable but it actually has the most incredible f-hole archtop acoustic sound. I've been playing bottleneck on it. Gonna see if something can be done for the action. If it could be fretted it'd be an amazing delta blues guitar.
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