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Ok so i just finished a song, i am still testing my new pickup (paf joe) ? for about 3 days solid now....but wanted to hear what it sounded like recorded. So here it is, nice old school rock thingy, for test i just used the paf...still waiting for stock from marshall for bridge pup. But i`m really happy with the pup, my guitar sounds totally different - in a good way.

    very cool man

    some very JOE tones there

    i like the tone / harmonics, very rich

    an all round good neck p/up, I don't think you will easily get tired of her

      No not at all, very versatile pup - and u really don`t need a high output pickup to get a good metal tone either. I just realised how crap my seymour duncan really is - throwing it in the bin after i get the tone zone ?
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