Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
doc-phil wrote:
Sounds good to me. So we're reverting to the 1 minute rule? I kinda liked the 2 minute limit that has been used on the last couple challenges. Sometimes 1 minute feels too short.
Hence the "challenge" part. ?
I once read a Stephen King book in which the hero is very much attracted to writing a haiku. He said that he liked the challenge of having to distil whatever he wanted to express down to a limited, fixed number of syllables.
I feel the same way about the 1 minute limit. You have to pare your composition down to it's essentials, trim away the fat. I agree that sometimes it does mean compromises, but you can "say" quite a bit in a limit. If you think about it, most pop songs get through 2 or 3 verses and a chorus or two in three minutes, so one minute could easily be a whole verse.
[edit] Steely Dan's "Kid Charlemagne" weighed in at 4:38, with three verses, three choruses and two Larry Carlton guitar solos - one of which got a long a fade out. Paul McCarteney told a whole story in three verses and just 2:06 with "Eleanor Rigby".