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Hi, just some random questions regarding metronome and how to prac with one. I`m currently sitting a lot of time playing to the annoying click click, eventually getting my speed up to scratch but was wondering (coz my metronome has a lot of settings) i want to get my speed up to about 120 - 125 4/4 time thirty second notes. i currently prac 16th notes going to 170-180 max, is there a easier way to set my metronome to prac thirty second notes. Or must i just put it at 50bmp and play 8 notes per click and work my way up, or is the best way to start and build ur speed on 16th notes to 240bpm and then take on the 30 second notes as mentioned previously??
    and was wondering aswell, if i want my 32nd note speed at 120bpm - is it the same as pracin 16th notes at 240?
      Quinus wrote: and was wondering aswell, if i want my 32nd note speed at 120bpm - is it the same as pracin 16th notes at 240?
      yes it is ?
        awesome stuff - but know i`m wondering why the hell doe someone need a metronome that goes to 400bpm..... ??? 140bpm 32nd notes is pretty hectic....
          Its the same chap, but in my humble opinion, its good to try it at lotsa tempos so your training your feel for rhythm too eg. say you wanna practice a riff at 16th notes playing 150bpm, then practice 8th at 300bpm and even 32nd at 75bpm.
            Quinus wrote: awesome stuff - but know i`m wondering why the hell doe someone need a metronome that goes to 400bpm..... ??? 140bpm 32nd notes is pretty hectic....
            The 400bpm applies only to John Petrucci. lol.
              yeah, and 140bpm 32nd notes is SERIOUSLY fast. ridiculously fast. I mean seriously.
                Metro-gnome. Miniature version of David Beckham.
                  JP is a freak of nature.....400bpm 64th note triplets....yeah rite!!!i just wanna be able to play 32nd notes at 120bpm in 2 years, don`t think i`ll be able to go faster anyways.
                    I normally try and not work with 32nds at all. 16ths max for timing and I just increase the BPM if needed. The only time I can see myself using 32nds is if the tempo of the song really is quite slow and there's a shred or double bass in 32nds.

                    I can kiinda play 16th at 240 cleanly but for one maybe two bars and only certain pieces lol My right hand maxes at 250 and is comfortable around 220.
                    My fretting hand on the other...um...hand(?) can sorta play up to speed but because I mainly focused on Rhythm in my earlier guitar life.
                    Till the past year that is...at the moment I'm working on the Keyboard/guitar sync lead at the end of "This Dying soul" by Dream Theater. Which is only 16ths at 190-195 but it goes on for +/- 45 bars.

                    I used to hate shredding and though it was for showing off posers till I figured out what guitarists are actually supposed to be doing.

                    What helps to get up to speed (for me at least), was me thinking about what is actually happening with your elbows to hands and fingers and guitar.
                    Assuming you have the basics of playing up tempo'd songs, the first limitation that stops you from being fast is your muscles (imo).

                    Treat them exactly like a body builder or athlete would. Warm up, stretch, then do maximum speed till it burns then carry on a little bit longer and stop before it starts getting painful. Your muscles in your wrist become stronger and faster. Do this quite often and you'll really start noticing a difference in one month.

                    The most important thing is, if your notes are not played cleanly it's pretty pointless going any faster. Yes that means hearing EVERY NOTE ?
                      Cool post Dean. I'd dig to have a jam some time.
                        Ya awesome stuff - but i need 32nds (or at least i think so) coz i don`t want to play metal stuff, mostly instrumental rock (think it varies around 80-150bmp) but i`m def going to focus more on the 16ths for now just to get my fingers use to that kinda speeds and then work it down to 32nds and mix it up with some triplets and so on....but ya Guy will help me with all of that! ?
                          thats brilliant a metro gnome
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