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Probably the wrong category for this and wants of a more appropriate tile. I have seen classical guitarists with the left foot on a little stool so that the guitar rests on the left leg and also read that is the way to do it. And stroos, it is comfortable. But I dont have such a little stool. So I just whip my right foot under my left and away I go (not too quick and fluent but anyway). I dont fancy the idea of carrying a little stool around for this purpose so I dont plan on getting one. Now, I see Keira (in a Youtube) has a strap on which sort of holds the guitar up at the correct angle. Do you just attach the strap buttons like regular acoustic? Risks?
    well my guitar came with a strap button at the bridge end... but i fitted one into the heel since i hate that way of using string to attatch the stray to headstock ... never have enough control of guitar ..... and yeah i play it in a pretty much classical position held by a strap..... well also i play with my legs crossed and it is not so typicaly classical but i can use that position too if no strap is available....

    and yeah rather get someone to fix the stap buttons ... as hate to split the wood ect ..... oh god those you tube video's are outdated i am loading a new set up this week sometime....

    peace and light
      hehe boys crossing legs is either very uncomfy or looks weird ?

      Ray, I do exactly what you do! My feet are getting very flexible at the ankles haha. even yoga people think its weird...

      And it is no trouble at all carrying around that foot for when you need it, not like carrying a little stool, not at all!
        Er, is it okay for us to talk about Keira's strap-on?

        Sorry - I just had to ?
        [me=Norio]goes to sit in the corner and think about what he's done.[/me]
          The little stool thing that you are talking about folds up and slots right into most guitar cases at some place or another. I just slot mine in the front pouch of my case. Works well.. The problem i find with a strap is that the guitar tends to want to slip down and i cant let it hang without it staying where i want to, which means i'm using some of my hand strength to hold the guitar.. Which, in the end doesn't allow as much flexibility.. That is just me though! ?
            Norio wrote: Er, is it okay for us to talk about Keira's strap-on?

            Sorry - I just had to ?
            [me=Norio]goes to sit in the corner and think about what he's done.[/me]
              Lethe wrote:
              Norio wrote: Er, is it okay for us to talk about Keira's strap-on?

              Sorry - I just had to ?
              [me=Norio]goes to sit in the corner and think about what he's done.[/me]

              mmmm well as long as you saying "nice" things about my strapon it's perfectly ok .... and just by the way 'size does count" hehehhehe

              peace and light
                guitarboy2828 wrote: The little stool thing that you are talking about folds up and slots right into most guitar cases at some place or another. I just slot mine in the front pouch of my case. Works well.. The problem i find with a strap is that the guitar tends to want to slip down and i cant let it hang without it staying where i want to, which means i'm using some of my hand strength to hold the guitar.. Which, in the end doesn't allow as much flexibility.. That is just me though! ?
                Yep, I have a Dixon foot stool thingy that I just throw into the front compartment of my guitar case - when folded down it is smaller than a paperback novel and it can take quite a beating as well.
                  heino wrote:
                  guitarboy2828 wrote: The little stool thing that you are talking about folds up and slots right into most guitar cases at some place or another. I just slot mine in the front pouch of my case. Works well.. The problem i find with a strap is that the guitar tends to want to slip down and i cant let it hang without it staying where i want to, which means i'm using some of my hand strength to hold the guitar.. Which, in the end doesn't allow as much flexibility.. That is just me though! ?
                  Yep, I have a Dixon foot stool thingy that I just throw into the front compartment of my guitar case - when folded down it is smaller than a paperback novel and it can take quite a beating as well.
                  How much does such a stool cost these days?

                  I think I will try make one maybe
                    Mine was like R80 i think? They are not expensive at all.. Before i got one though i used a riccoffee tin.. ? haha.. Worked hey! ?
                      guitarboy2828 wrote: Mine was like R80 i think? They are not expensive at all.. Before i got one though i used a riccoffee tin.. ? haha.. Worked hey! ?

                      Reason I ask is the portability of the stool is a plus.

                      I suppose that you can fold up the ricoffee tin, but it might be a teeny tiny bit difficult to unfold it again! ?
                        I usually put my right leg a bit back so it's lower than the left, so the guitar is held in a "lower classical" posture. It's comfortable, even if people think it looks weird.
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