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I came across this review http://www.skysun.co.za/guitars/reviews.htm of the Johnson Electric Strat whilst looking for the bestest cheapest guitar money can buy for a friend of mine.
The reviewers seem to be quite in love with this guitar. Has anyone played it/know anything about it? Advice please? *down on my knees*
    6 months later
    Hi Reef

    Generally avoid the Johnsons (unless there's an Eric and a Fender in front of the first word)
    Sometimes the reviewers are working for the brand they're pushing - watch out !
    Rather find a good eg of a Cort G series - better made on the whole !
      Rough fretboard, really bad pickups, and the tremlo bar might break off inside the brige....compared to a squier bullet strat for just R450 more, it's not worth it. I mean, you can't really expect much more for a grand, but you can only go so cheap when it comes to musical instruments IMO.

      (source: friends sister got one for R1000 new, got my squuier new for R1450...)
        11 days later
        For under R2000 you can get an entire Cort starter pack. With this you a get a decent guitar, a 10W amp, bag, strap and a few other goodies. Many of my students use these packs and I have had no problems with them.

        Other alteratives are:

        Squire Bullet
        Cort M200/zennox/G200
        Ibanez Gio

        These will work out to cost a few hundred rand more, but in the long run it will be worth it. From a tuning point of view they are alot more stable and can be intonated. Plus, if you get a good example you can mod them and turn them into a nice back-up guitar at a later point. Another bright side is re-sale value. If your friend wants to give up at a later point, a second hand Johnson will be tough to get rid of
          3 months later
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