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  • Guitar
  • Jose Ramirez Vintage Classical Guitar - A1? How to know?

Hey all,
I am new here and don't play guitar. Helping a neighbor sell his ailing brother n law's guitar.
Have a hard time finding the differences between Ramirez guitars.. How do you determine if it is an "A1"? This question has been asked by a couple interested buyers. I don't know the significance of an A1, do you?
I see nothing on the label.. I was going to attach pic of label, but don't have a pic accessible online and can't just attach one?

Thanks in advance for any help..!


    Inside the soundhole of the guitar you should see a very clearly visible label/sticker as the example below

    On this sticker (somewhere) should be the serial number and 'clase' of the guitar. The prospective buyer's are looking for the 'A1' which denotes the model (and thus, quality) of the guitar.

    I'm far from a expert on Ramirez's but I read that A1 is their top of the line Concert model (quality of wood, quality of workmanship, etc), while the much cheaper student models (4A, etc) are made from cheaper materials (laminated woods) and often out-sourced to other factories who would use more automated production.

    You could chat to the US distributor for more info : https://www.ramirezguitars.us/

    Excellent! Thank you for your guidance!
    I will have my neighbor check to see as my photos didn't capture that far down the label.
    The owner claims to have purchased it for $6k back in '73 and is just asking $3k. Seems he could get more especially with the velvet lined case w. a humidity dial built-in, but hey, he is fine with this price..

    Thank you again!

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.

      Curtamous My pleasure!

      I hope he gets fair value for the instrument, from the sound of it, it's a real nice one. USD6k in 1973 is almost unbelievable - That's TWO Z28 Camaro's or Mach 1 Mustang's 🤯

      Would still suggest contacting the US distributors, they could provide some more details and perhaps places to advertise - which always help with a sale.

      Reverb is a fairly good place to advertise too.

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