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  • Luthier Tools

Good morning all, I am new to the forum and need advice. I am looking for a set of good quality nut files and would like to know if anyone has advice as to where they can be bought in South Africa.

  • V8 replied to this.

    RMurray Heya and welcome 👋

    Here's what I know of a.t.m 😀

    https://valleysound.co.za/product-category/new-guitar-parts-and-accessories/guitar-accessories/ - good selection of mostly chinese/asian souced parts and bits. I see his files are mostly sold out though.

    https://thundercloudmusic.co.za/ - used to have a few luthier bits, but mostly parts & gear now.

    https://www.terryd.co.za/ - no luthier stuff, but the widest range of musicial bits, moslty asian sourced & cheap too.

    https://blackbeardsden.com/en-za - they used to have entry level luthier bits, but since the ownership change it seems to be kits & necks only.

    Chat to your local luthier (Traut guitarworx in Cpt, JD Kustom in Jozi) about buying tools from them - maybe team up for a group buy from Stewmac.

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