I have not been playing for the longest time. My neighbours are thankful. However, last week Thursday evening while out with a few ex work colleagues from ZA we imbibed a fair amount of ale and rum. Cos no good story starts with milk. Been meaning to get back into it and have a few amps and a great mex tele that plays like butter. Which is apt cps it’s butterscotch in colour. But I digress.
now one of my chinas from ZA moved last year and many years ago he attended one of Murray Kuhns guitar building clinics and built an acoustic, so in our oiled states we decided to start a band. Monday , I picked up the tele and I just fell in love with guitar all over again. And then I thought I needed some consumable items so went online to Anderton’s.
long story short I pick up a Gibson studio in wine colour later this afternoon. Just could not resist and got a great price on it too. Like the one below.