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Hi All,

Been away for awhile ! Not playing at all myself at the moment, but I'm still known as the "guitar guy" by family and friends.

Anyway, helping a friend who's husband passed away recently - he had what does appear to be a rather old Starfire nylon string acoustic which she seems to think he thought had some value. I have found nothing on Google even remotely like it so have no clue what we have. Hoping somebody more knowledgeable here could help out.

First odd thing is it's 1/4 size. The Model no is very faded and unclear - best guess is it's ""AC- something" 😅 perhaps you guys with better eyes can see in the pics.

It's solid, well made and sturdy. Also in great condition, very little wear. Any clues what this might be and if her husband was on to something ?

Thanks !


  • V8 replied to this.

    6x9base13B but I'm still known as the "guitar guy" by family and friends.

    And forever it will remain like that 😸

    Umm, likely it's not worth much - from the look it's likely a older (hopefully) Japanese copy (https://www.guitar-list.com/brands/star-fire#:~:text=StarFire%20was%20a%20budget%20guitar,for%20distribution%20in%20the%20UK.)

    There's very little info out there on the various MIJ copies out there - there were just so many and not much info got translated into english resources.

    The tuners look quality, the pickguard is odd (looks cool though), top might be a solid piece (not laminated - that's a guess though).

    So worth cleaning up and enjoying? Hell yeah! I'm a sucker for the odd MIJ stuff

    For sale, cleaned up and re-strung, maaaayyybbeee around R1500-R2000ish - and that would be to someone who really liked it 😀


    Thank you very much for the input ! Appreciated ! Will feedback and suggest they keep it. Her son just got married on the weekend, a grand kid might have use for it soon !

    • V8 likes this.
    • V8 replied to this.
      4 days later

      6x9base13B Her son just got married on the weekend, a grand kid might have use for it soon !

      Keep in the family, that's super cool - it's perfect for a young player! 👍

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