Re: Fender Strat. MIA vs. MIM
« Reply #9 on: Today at 04:47:04 pm »
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No, but someone advertized one on the forum a few weeks back with some or other coil splitter on it. Dont think he sold it yet - looking for R5000-00. Tell me, where does the Japanese Fender strat fit into the picture here? As I follow this I understand that MIA is great. MIM is not quite so great but still lekker. So how does the Japanese Fender fit into scheme?
Someone advertised a Jimi Hendrix Strat?
Yes, MIA's are great.
Yes, MIM's are quite lekker. (So they tell me, never tried one though, but seems like the guys who own them, a tweak here, a tweak there, are quite happy)
MIJ Strat, and Squires, the few guys I know who own them are sorry the got them, or was perhaps purely economics. Cannot comment though.