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Damn, very nice man
    you should try get hold of EZDrummer or one of those programs
      Where in SA can i buy ezdrummer?? At bothner or marshall music? And what would i expect to pay for it?
        Song sounds cool, drums are bit 'airy' though.

        I'd recommend "Addictive Drums" over easy drummer and "Drum Kits from Hell Superior 2" over the two of those.

        The snares in the toontrack programmes tend to sound too thin which is why I use addictive drums.
          Where can i get addictive drums?? And as always the price...
            But is`nt Drum Kits from Hell Superior 2 ez drummer??
              You can get the DKFH expansion for EZDrummer too. I also got myself Superior Drummer and that can use all the EZDrummer expansions. Plus you can mix and match and even edit to create your own kits. I don't find any of the snares too thin. The Rock kit is a real Bonzo oriented one - all the drums and cymbals are huge! ?
                Really, really nice!
                  I really don't have too much experience with DKFHS 1 or 2. But most of the clips I've heard have had thin snares and everything else sounded great. Perhaps it had something to do with most of them being metal clips. Perhaps I should start a Drum Program thread and not Hijack this one ?
                    If you want, you can send me the MIDI for that song and I'll try show you my tweaks with ADD?
                      Probably stupid question, but how do i send u the midi? Save just the midi track in cubase and e mail it?? :-[
                        Or do i export the midi, i tried that - piano plays the drum beats, do u want that?
                          Yeah, the file extension should be .mid

                          Then email that file. It should be really small.
                            I have to say I prefer Addictive Drums as well, got DFH Superior1 and it takes a lot of work to get a "produced" sound, it's VERY raw, but I at least still got all that percussion and extra Cymbals etc from DFH.

                            EZDrummer sounds fake and midi'ish almost.
                            DFH Superior2 sound allright
                            BFD sounds good, but I didn't hear any demo's of it in metal/hard rock,only jazzy, so It's 50/50 right now

                            How normal is it now for major releases to be using these programs, even if there is a real drummer in the band, I'm very curious to know, because it sounds like a lot.

                            Addictive Drums will cost around R2500 but it's worth it, you definitely cant' buy a good drum set for that amount, not the Session drummer to play on your tracks, nor the studio rental and all the mic's to record all that.
                            And you can use it over and over and over.On rock,metal,pop,jazz,even has some techno settings.
                            And it only takes up 2gigs of hard drive space over the 40gigs that DFH Superior 1 does.
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