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If you’re on our WhatsApp group then you know I’m starting a YouTube channel for SA guitarists.

My Nux Mighty BT 40 is arriving today so my first video will be shot soon. It’s an unboxing video.

The problem is that I’m not done acoustically treating my home studio so…

What’s your preference on the audio:

  • Video shot in natural light and voiceover added later in a vocal booth or…
  • Video and vocal review recorded at the same time (at the expense of the audio - expect some reverb)
  • V8 likes this.

For now whichever is quickest... 😉

Ultimately I think a 'live' review in a treated room? With voice-over's if necessary?

Edit: Just wondering how you are going to mic up the nu-X, I'm not seeing that it has a USB output (like a interface?)

V8 Ultimately I think a 'live' review in a treated room? With voice-over's if necessary?

This makes the most sense so I’m going to try!

Acoustic treatment isn’t quite there but luckily the room is already a bit dead and full of weird shapes to break up sound waves.

Long way to go though.

V8 Edit: Just wondering how you are going to mic up the nu-X, I'm not seeing that it has a USB output (like a interface?)

Yep this is going to be a challenge. I have a Samson USB mic that’s better than nothing. I can also try the mics on the BR-600.

Let’s hope one of those is good enough.

    Just about ready for my first recording.

    No proper lights yet so I’m gonna try do an unboxing with natural light.

    I got my first bonus in years so hoping to use a bit of that for better lights and possible better mics.

    How's this coming along? Looking forward to it.


    Thanks for asking!

    I’ve recorded the unboxing but haven’t edited together the video and audio yet.

    And I still need to mic up that amp and show it off a bit. Hopefully this weekend I’ll finish recording.

    Work is hectic but hopefully will calm down a bit.

    Also the acoustic treatment of the studio is not done. The room sounds pretty dead if I snap my fingers but there’s a ringing when I clap my hands. Which could mean very bad audio when recording at any kind of volume.

    I had fun shooting the unboxing so hopefully that means this will continue to be a fun project for me 😁

    5 days later

    Bit of an update...

    • I'm going to try mic-ing up the amp using my BR-600. Pretty good onboard mic there. Failing that, I'll try the Samson. And if neither sound good... I'll need to get a SM57 or something like that and an interface.
    • I still need to get at least one light, a light stand and a softbox. I'm a bit poep-scared of jumping on this because it can turn out quite pricey, leaving less money for other bits.
    • I've also still got some acoustic treatment to do. Need to buy some curtains to block out outside light and let that double as a bit of reverb dampening. Doing pretty much the same thing for the ceiling — hanging thick curtain material from the ceiling to absorb sound waves.
    • Oh and mats. I need at least one thick carpet or mat to stop soundwaves bouncing up from under me and hitting the mic.

    Plenty to do. In the meanwhile, I'm getting familiar with the amp, its app and my pet-peeves with it. (As well as its good features.)

    Thanks for following along on this journey!

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