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Welcome all to a Springing Spring, to stir up some interest, @guidothepimmp had his arm tweaked into something bluesy - hold on though....there's a twist 👍

I can go with the blues. How about working some techniques.. so a blues jam of your choice with the following

  • Use at least 2 dominant 7 chords
  • Include some pre and post bending in any solo
  • Include at least a slide into or out of a note (if that makes sense?)

Either that or turn your favourite TV show theme tune into a blues track

P.s. If your favourite theme is from a movie or game and you are inspired - go for it!

Otherwise, any instruments and any recording devices. Make it happy, make it sad, make it funny. Whatever it is, make it an entry!

📅 Entries Close: Monday, 1st November 2021, 23:59PM (Updated from 31st Oct)

📜Rules: Entries can be any length, but must feature something bluesy.

No genre restrictions or recording equipment restrictions. Use the interface, use the cellphone - it's all good.

P.s. Collaborations are encouraged!

⁉How To Enter: Record your entry, sign up or log in to SoundCloud, post it there. Then grab the SoundCloud link and reply here with the link pasted in your reply. **If possible, make your track public - that way I can make a playlist up. Since we may run into copyright issues with covers, if Soundcloud doesn't work, please use the attachements feature to upload your mp3 to the forum.

🏅Prizes: None this month,m just the ever increasing infamy of winning a GuitarTalk Challenge! But wait....there;s more - you even get the doubly dubious distinction of selecting the next challenge topic. If you ask for more, welllll...

Anyone can enter this competition. You just need a guitar and a phone. But any other recording equipment is fine too. Collaborations with fellow members or anyone you can recruit is encouraged!

Good luck and beeg thank you to all the entrants!

Sounds like a fun challenge. I'd like to enter but I've got a busy month ahead of me so I'll see how far I get.

15 days later
7 days later

Quick thread update, we've got a public holiday on the 1st, @Bluetone was cool with a deadline extension, so you have a whole extra day!

Xmas did come early 😆

    Soundcloud recommends #Jazzfunk for this one and they're not completely wrong...I learnt it at the lazz workshop from a funky Spencer! It does qualify via the criteria...two dom7 chords, loads of slides and I'm sure the harp bits have some prebends in there somewhere 😆

    I've added a good few fills and tweaks over the years, it's basically a two part groove that can you can duet/loop over itself - sneaky fun. All 'vocals' and harps are from a loopmaster blues session pack - yeah, I totally overused the happy harp one 😉

    Far from my best effort, but I hope I got that groove out my system for a few months, it was driving me crazy.

    Ooof, procrastination got the better of me.. again, threw together a slapdash blooose tune. Very basic, and listening back.. probably quicker than it should be.
    Couple of takeaways, it is really difficult to noodle coherently for prolonged periods.. I fear I have discovered a pattern to my box playing, and.. my fingers were shot and so you get to hear it with all the lemons 🙂

    Thanks for the extension Bluetone!

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