Stoffeltoo : Nicely done instrumental! I find it super tricky to get vocal melodies translated, but you kept it interesting. Loved the title! :thumbsup:
Bluetone : Great intro, I had to re-listen to the original to make sure my brain wasn't -ahem- imagining things. For me, I'd far rather listen to your version than the original - heresy?
Meticus : I did manage to listen to the live original of this. no doubt you all did it justice. What struck me was how suitable the tune is for bagpipes - the melody work for the tone and nature of them 'pipes.
Guidtothepimmp - **ck YEAH! SO. MUCH. EPICNESS! Such a cool groove and tune to get collaborating on - everything worked. I couldn't tell who was playing when or what - brilliant mix of guitaring djentlemen! +1 for the sweetly layered ryhthm guitars (+2 for the outro wah), made the tune something for everyone to jam on. *Most fun listening award!
Studmissile - My vote - loved the approach for me, re-imagined into something special. Slightly familiar with the original, but this version is far more listenable/engaging - really did the lyrics justice - wow! But what grabbed me was the the mixing choices, sparse instruments, big -almost Chris Isaak reverbs/space - this worked on many levels.
Yeti - Pleasantly surprised me, awesome to hear Yeti rocking out! For a ssecond I thought it was Sick Puppies:Say my name - the two tunes are quite similar. More noise for the Yeti!
Klaasvakie - The tune I knew the best in the challenge (One I did learn many moons back). Loved the Unplugged version so much and going cell phone for this one was a plus. For me, the most re-imagined version of the lot - I appreciate the creativity - cool interpretation of the guitar and +1 for whistling :grin: *Most creative interpretation award